Installing the Sample Web Application

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Installing the Sample Web Application

This topic describes how to install the AndysBeans .NET Web application used for evaluating EmpowerID Web Access Management.

To update the Connection String for your data source

  1. Locate the AndysBeans.zip file you received from EmpowerID and extract it to a folder on your Web server.
  2. From the folder where you extracted AndysBeans, locate the Web.config file.

  3. Open the Web.config file with any text editor and locate the connectionStrings section.

  4. Replace the default value for connectionString with the value for your environment. The format for the string is as follows, where "YourSQLServer" is the name or IP address of the SQL Server in your environment.

    <add name="AndysBeans2Db" connectionString="Data Source=YourSQLServer;Initial Catalog=AndysBeans2Db;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

    "AndysBeans2Db" is the actual name of the database used with the Web application, so your updated connectionString needs to keep this as the Initial Catalog.

    Your updated connection string looks similar to this:

  5. Next, locate the entitityFramework section in the Web.config file and change the parameter value so that the Data Source points to your SQL Server. This value is the same as that set in the connectionString above. The edited value looks similar to this image.

Next, we need to create the database for the sample Web application.

To create the AndysBeans2Db database

  1. From the folder where you extracted AndysBeans, locate the ab2008r2script.sql file. This file is used to create the AndysBeans2Db on your SQL Server.

  2. From SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), open the ab2008r2script.sql file.

  3. In SSMS, change the paths for the database and the database log to a location on your SQL Server.

  4. In SSMS, click Execute to create the AndysBeans2Db database and database log.

    AndysBeans2Db appears in SSMS as a database.

  5. In SSMS, map a login to the AndysBeans2Db database with db_owner rights. This login is used as the application pool identity for the AndysBeans Web site.

To create an application pool for the Web application

  1. From IIS Manager, create a new .NET Framework v4.0.30319 application pool named AndysBeans.

  2. Right-click on the AndysBeans application pool and select Advanced Settings from the context menu. This allows you to change the identity running the application pool.

  3. In the Advanced Settings grid that opens, locate the Identity property and click the ellipses (...) button to the right of it.

  4. In the Application Pool Identity dialog that opens, click the Custom account radio button and then click the Set button.

  5. In the Set Credentials dialog that opens, type the credentials for the login with db_owner rights to the AndysBeans2Db database and click OK.

  6. Click OK to close the Application Pool Identity dialog.
  7. Click OK to close the Advanced Settings grid.

Next, we need to create a Web site for the Web application.

To create a Web site for the Web application

  1. From IIS Manager, expand the Sites node, right-click on Default Web Site, and select Add Application from the context menu.

  2. From the Add Application dialog that opens, click the Select button to open the Select Application Pool dialog.

  3. In the Select Application Pool dialog that opens, select the AndysBeans application pool from the Application Pool drop-down and click OK.

  4. Back in the Add Application dialog, type AndysBeans into the Alias field and then click the ellipses (...) button to the right of the Physical path field.

  5. In the Browse For Folder dialog that opens, browse to and select the AndysBeans folder and click OK.

  6. Click OK to close the Add Application dialog.

    AndyBeans appears as a new application under Default Web Site.

  7. From your Web browser, navigate to the FQDN of your Web server appended with andysbeans, as in "sso.empowersso.com/andysbeans" or "localhost/andysbeans." The home page for the sample Web application opens.

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