Make resources available in the IAM Shop

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Make resources available in the IAM Shop

Resources must be published to the IAM Shop before eligible users can shop for access to those resources. Thus, when setting eligibility for a resource, you should make sure the resource is published. If it is not, you can make it available by setting the Publish in IAM Shop property to true.

This article demonstrates how to make resources available in the IAM Shop by publishing a shared folder.


Publish a Shared Folder

  1. On the navbar, expand Object Administration and select Shared Folders.

    This directs you to the Find page for Shared Folders.


  2. From the Non Home Folders tab, search for the shared folder you want to make available in the IAM Shop.

  3. Click the Share Name link to navigate to the View One page for the folder.


  4. On the View One page, click the Display Name link to put the folder in edit mode.


  5. Select Publish in IAM Shop.


  6. Save your changes.

Verify the resource is in the IAM Shop

After you have followed the above steps to make a resource available in the IAM Shop, you can verify the resource has been published to the IAM Shop by doing the following. Please note that users need to be eligible for the resource to see it.

  1. As an eligible user, point your browser to the IAM Shop for your environment and authenticate as needed.

  2. In the IAM Shop, select the resource type for the resource you just published from the Resource Type drop-down filter.


  3. Search for the resource you just published.

    You should see a record for it with Request Access.


See Also

Configure Eligibility


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