User Experience - Permanent Delegations

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User Experience - Permanent Delegations

Approval tasks that would normally come to a user for approval can be delegated to other users via the Permanent Delegations feature of MyIdentity. When a task is delegated in this way, the delegator can still interact with the task, but is no longer the default approver. Permanent delegations can be edited and deleted by the delegator at any time.

In order to use permanent delegations, a person must have access to either of the UI-Myidentity-* roles or its client specific variant in addition to VIS-MyIdentity-MS-API role. In addition, the list of people that a person can delegate to is trimmed based on the following criteria:

  • Visibility to the target person – The user must have visibility to the target person (delegate)

  • Operation access over the target person – The user must have the SetAsDelegate operation for the target person. This operation is included in the ACT-Person-Approval-SetAsDelegate Access Level.

Create Permanent Delegations

  1. In MyIdentity, click the Page drop-down and select the Permanent Delegations page.


  2. On the Permanent Delegations page, click New Delegation.

    This opens the Create a New Delegation control.


  3. Do the following in the control:

    1. Select the type of delegation to be created. Users can choose All Types to delegate all Approval Tasks to another person or choose Select Types to delegate only specific Approval Tasks.

    2. If Select Types is chosen, users click the Approval type they want to delegate in the Select Types pane and then click the Add button to move the type to the Selected Types pane.   


    3. To remove a selected Approval type, users select the type from the Selected Types pane and click the Remove button.

    4. After selecting one or types, users the search for and select one or more people to whom they want to delegate. Those people must have access to be an approver or they will not appear as a search result.

    5. After selecting the person, users then choose whether they want to delegate the Approval task forever or only when they are out of office.

    6. Finally, users select the Start Date (and End Date when applicable) and click Create Delegation.

      The delegation is added as a Permanent Delegations record.


Edit Permanent Delegations

To edit an existing permanent delegation, users need to do the following:

  1. In MyIdentity, select the Permanent Delegations tab.

  2. Locate the delegation to be edited and click the Edit button for the delegation.

    This opens the Edit Dialog for the permanent delegation. From this dialog, users can change the delegation scope and dates.


  3. Edit the permanent delegation as needed and click Save Changes.

Delete Permanent Delegations

When a permanent delegation is deleted, the task that was delegated is reassigned to the former delegator. To delete an existing permanent delegation, users need to do the following:

  1. In MyIdentity, select the Permanent Delegations tab.

  2. Locate the delegation to be deleted and click the Delete button for the delegation.


  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

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