About My Tasks

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About My Tasks

EmpowerID provides a central location called "My Tasks" from which users can view the status of their access requests, make and respond to comments about those requests, and in situations where they are designated approvers, approve or reject access requests submitted by other users.

The My Tasks interface consists of several pages of task and request-related information relative to the current user presented in an easy-to-navigate single-page application experience. The main pages are the My Requests page, the To Do page, and the All page. Users navigate from page to page by selecting the desired page from menus prominently displayed at the top of the application.

The My Requests page displays access requests submitted by the user or by another user on their behalf. From this page, users can view the status of their access requests, see who the approver is and add comments about their request.

The To Do page displays access request-related tasks for which the user is an approver. From this page, users can make decisions about those tasks, add comments, and delegate them to others.

The All page displays all access request-related information.

Figure 1: My Tasks User Interface


The My Tasks Microservice

Microservices are small, decoupled software modules that run independently and communicate with each other using specific API contracts. The EmpowerID My Tasks microservice follows this pattern, which allows the My Tasks application to be deployed to Azure or IIS decoupled from the EmpowerID platform. The deployment model for Azure hosting is depicted in Figure 1 below.


Figure 2: My Tasks Deployment Model


Architecture of the My Tasks Microservice Application

The EmpowerID My Tasks microservice is an EmpowerID application that is predefined with numerous protected application subcomponents—termed “subcomponents” from this point forward—out of the box. Each of the pages and controls for navigating My Tasks is a subcomponent of the application. Each subcomponent is itself an application, which means access to these controls can be added to and removed from users through Access Level assignments. Additionally, this architecture makes the microservice customizable. Subcomponents can be added to and removed from the application directly in the EmpowerID Web interface.

Subcomponents configured with the default My Tasks microservice include those listed in Table 1 below.





Any Additional Approver Delegate Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user add additional approvers for a business request and a business request item.

All Requests Approver Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the users filter all requests by approver.

All Requests Item Type Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the users filter all requests based on item type.

All Requests Item View Status Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter all request items in item view based on the item status.

All Requests Requested By Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the users filter all requests based on who initiated the request.

All Requests Requested By Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the users filter all requests based on who the target person is.

All Requests Request Item View Advanced Search Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter all requests in request items view using advanced search.

All Requests Request View Advanced Search Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter all requests in request view using advanced search.

All Requests Request View Status Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter all requests in request view based on the request status.

Assign Task Delegate Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user assign a business request or business request item to somebody.

Item View All Requests Page (MyTasks)

Page where the users can see all their business requests in item view mode.

Item View My Requests Page (MyTasks)

Page where the users can see their business requests in item view mode.

Item View My Tasks Page (MyTasks)

Page where the users can see their business requests tasks in item view mode.

My Requests Approver Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter the user's requests by approver.

My Requests Item Type Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the users filter their requests by request item type.

My Requests Item View Status Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the users filter their requests in item view by the request item status.

My Requests Requested By Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter the requests based on who initiated the requested.

My Requests Requested For Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter the requests based on who is the target person.

My Requests Request Item View Advanced Search Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the users filter their requests in request item view using advanced search control.

My Requests Request View Advanced Search Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the users filter their requests in request view using advanced search control.

My Requests Request View Status Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter the user's requests based on request status.

My Tasks Item Type Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter their tasks based on the item types.

My Tasks Requested By Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter their tasks based on who initiated the request.

My Tasks Requested For Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter their tasks based on who the target person is.

My Tasks Request Item View Advanced Search Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter their tasks in request item view using advanced search control.

My Tasks Request View Advanced Search Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user filter their tasks in request view using advanced search control.

Out of office Delegate Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user manage the out of office delegations.

Permanently Delegate Step Delegate Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user create a permanent delegation for business requests and business request items against a given approval step.

Request Details Claim Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user claim a business request if it's claimable.

Request Details Current Step Approvers Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the users see the current step approvers on the business request details.

Request Details Delegate Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user delegate a business request.

Request Details Process Steps Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the users see the process steps diagram.

Request Item Details Claim Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user claim a business request item if it is claimable.

Request Item Details Current Step Approvers Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the users see the current step approvers on the business request item details.

Request Item Details Delegate Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user delegate a business request item.

Request Item Details Process Steps (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user see the process steps for a business request item.

Request View All Requests Page (MyTasks)

Page where the users can see all their business requests in request view mode.

Request View My Requests Page (MyTasks)

Page where the users can see their business requests in request view mode.

Request View My Tasks Page (MyTasks)

Page where the users can see their business requests tasks in request view mode.

Request View Request For Attribute Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user see the requested for attribute in request view.

Request View Request Number Attribute Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the user see the request number attribute in request view.

Show Pre Approved Filter Control (My Tasks)

Control that lets the users filter all requests and request items based on whether those are pre-approved or not.


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