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Create Azure Applications

If you have deployed the EmpowerID Azure AD SCIM microservice to Azure and your organization integrates applications with Azure AD, you can manage those applications in EmpowerID to include:

  • Creating and deleting applications

  • Assigning owners and deputies to applications

  • Creating application certificates and secrets

  • Creating application roles and scopes

  • Assigning users to application roles

  • Assign eligibility to applications to specify who can and cannot request access

  • Etc.

The workflow used to create Azure applications is the CreateAzureApplication workflow. This workflow has a number of parameters that you can configure to alter the fields that appear when onboarding Azure applications, as well as settings that determine whether human approval is required before EmpowerID fulfills the request and provisions the application in Azure. This article walks through the process for creating an Azure application and demonstrates the following:

  • Configuring the parameters of the CreateAzureApplication

  • Configuring the roles and ownership EmpowerID assigns to application owners and deputies

  • Specifying the approval process (human or automatic)

  • Running the workflow

  • Verifying the results


Step 1: Configure workflow parameters

The workflow for onboarding Azure applications is CreateAzureApplication. The workflow has several parameters that affect field values. These parameters are listed in the below table. In this example, you set the DefaultAzureTenantID parameter to the Azure tenant where applications are to be created.






Boolean value to determine whether the Assignment Required? checkbox is visible.


Boolean value to determine whether the Enabled for users to sign-in? checkbox is visible.




Boolean value to determine whether the Conditional Access Policy drop down is visible.


Boolean to determine whether the Application Extension tab of the workflow is visible to users.


Boolean to determine whether the Application Extension Attribute 1 radio button option is visible. AppExt_ExtensionTab_IsVisible must be set to true for the radio button to be visible.


Boolean to determine whether the Application Extension Attribute 2 radio button option is visible. AppExt_ExtensionTab_IsVisible must be set to true for the radio button to be visible.


Boolean to determine whether the Application Extension Attribute 3 radio button option is visible. AppExt_ExtensionTab_IsVisible must be set to true for the radio button to be visible.


Boolean to determine whether the Application Extension Attribute 4 radio button option is visible. AppExt_ExtensionTab_IsVisible must be set to true for the radio button to be visible.


Boolean to determine whether the Application Extension Attribute 7 radio button option is visible. AppExt_ExtensionTab_IsVisible must be set to true for the radio button to be visible.


This specifies the AzureAppApplicationLine list data set of the various application lines that appear to users when selecting the environment for the application.

Default list items include those shown below:



Boolean value that specifies whether the Select a location section of the workflow wizard form is visible to users. Set to true by default.


If ApplicationType_Location_IsVisible is true, this Boolean value determines if the Select a Location tree is visible. Set to true by default.


If ApplicationType_Location_IsVisible is true, this Boolean value determines if the Select a tenant drop-down is visible. Set to true by default.


Specifies the default Azure RBAC Manager application used by EmpowerID to manage Azure RBAC resources. Set to EIDAzureRBACManager by default.


Boolean value on the Azure service principal that determines if users and apps or services must first be assigned the application before accessing it. Set to true by default.


This is the GUID of the Azure tenant. If the value is present, the Select a Tenant drop-down will be auto filled with the specified tenant.

You can find the Tenant ID for your Azure tenant by navigating to
Azure RBAC Manager > Resources and selecting the Tenants tab.




Boolean value on the Azure Service Principal that determines if assigned users will be able to sign in to this application, either from My Apps, the User access URL, or by navigating to the application URL directly.


Optional setting that specifies the Org Zone ID of the EmpowerID location that should be populated in the Select a Location tree drop-down.


Default value that specifies the Microsoft accounts that are supported for the application.


Boolean to determine whether the Application Extension Attribute 1 radio button option is visible.


This points to the AzureAppExtensionAttribute2Choice list data set for displaying custom radio button options. The selected value is stored in the ExtensionAttribute2 attribute of the Protected Application in EmpowerID.


This points to the AzureAppExtensionAttribute3Choice list data set for displaying custom radio button options. The selected value is stored in the ExtensionAttribute3 attribute of the Protected Application in EmpowerID.


This points to the AzureAppExtensionAttribute4Choice list data set for displaying custom radio button options. The selected value is stored in the ExtensionAttribute4 attribute of the Protected Application in EmpowerID.


This points to the AzureAppTypeOfIntegration list data set of the various Application Integration Types. By default, the list contains OIDC, SAML Gallery & SAML Non-Gallery options.


Internal field for displaying list data items. Do not change the value.


Specifies the default template for creating non-gallery applications. Do not change the value.


Specifies the ID of the Management Role whose members are to be notified each time an Azure application is created.


This points to the AzureAppSupportedAccountTypes list data set for displaying supported account type radio button options.

Default list items include those shown below:



To configure workflow parameters, do the following:

  1. On the navbar, expand Object Administration and select Workflows.

  2. Select the Workflow tab and search for Create Azure Application.

  3. Click the Display Name for the workflow.


  4. On the View One page for the workflow, expand the Request Workflow Parameters accordion and search for the DefaultAzureTenantID parameter.


  5. Click the edit button for the parameter, enter the appropriate Azure Tenant ID in the Value field and click Save.


  6. Configure any other settings as needed.

Step 2: Configure approval

The CreateAzureApplication workflow can be configured to allow the EmpowerID system to automatically provision an application in Azure when submitted by an authorized user or to require approval by one or more people before EmpowerID fulfills the request. The setting that determines whether approval is needed is the Do not generate a business request (no approval) setting. If enabled on the workflow, EmpowerID provisions the application without requiring approval; if deselected, EmpowerID generates a business request to create application an Azure application and routes the request for approval. Once approved, EmpowerID fulfills the request and provisions the application in Azure.

To configure whether approval is needed or not, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the View One page for the workflow (as shown in Step 1 above) and click the Edit link to put the workflow in Edit mode.


  2. On the Edit One page, toggle Do not generate a business request (no approval) as needed and save your changes.

Step 3: Configure owner and deputy roles

Owner and deputy settings for Azure applications created in EmpowerID are determined by the Application Configuration settings of Azure RBAC Manager. These settings are listed in the below table.

Owner Settings


Owner Settings



AzLocalRole Name. This value determines the Custom Role assignment for the application owner in Azure. If value is empty, the user will be added as an Owner of the app registration in Azure. This user can view and edit the application registration.


Specifies the ID of the Access Level (ResourceTypeRole) that application owners should be granted. The default value is the Access Manager Access Level for the Azure application. The owner can assign or unassign any Access Levels for the resource directly by EmpowerID Location.


Specifies the ID of the Access Level (ResourceTypeRole) that protected application owners should be granted. The default value is the Access Manager for the protected application resource. The Access Manager is the owner of the resource and can manage/approve permissions assignments.

Deputy Settings



This specifies the AzLocalRole name. This value determines the Custom Role assignment for ALL the deputies in Azure. If the value is empty, the deputies will be added as Owner(s) of the app registration in Azure. These user(s) can view and edit the application registration.


Specifies the ID of the Access Level (ResourceTypeRole) that deputies should be granted for the protected application resource in EmpowerID. Defaults to the ACT-Application-Object-Administration Access Level for the protected application resource. Deputies can perform create, update and delete operations on the protected application.


Specifies the ID of the Access Level (ResourceTypeRole) that deputies should be granted for the Azure application. Defaults to the ACT-Azure-Application-Administration Access Level for the Azure Application. Deputies can perform create, update and delete operations on the Azure application.


To configure custom owner and deputy role settings, do the following:

  1. On the navbar, expand Apps and Authentication and select Applications.

  2. From the Applications tab, search for RBAC and then click the Display Name link for Azure RBAC Manager.

    This directs you to the View One page for the application. From this page, you can manage the application as needed.


  3. On the View One page, select the App Resources tab and then expand the Application Configuration Settings accordion.

  4. Click the Edit button for any setting you need to configure with a custom value.


  5. Save your changes.

Step 4: Run the workflow

  1. Navigate to the portal for the Resource Admin app in your environment.

  2. In Resource Admin, select Applications and then select the Workflows tab.


  3. Click Onboard Azure Application.

    This opens the Create Azure Application wizard workflow. Follow the wizard and fill in the fields of each section of the workflow with the appropriate information for your application.

  4. Review the summary information for the application and then click Submit.

    If you configured the workflow to require approval, you should that a business request for the Azure application was successfully created. The business request must be approved by each designated approver before EmpowerID fulfills the request and creates the application.


  5. Click Submit to exit the wizard.

Step 5: If configured: Approve the Business Request

If the workflow was configured to require approval, do the following to approve the business request; otherwise, move to Step 6 below and verify the application in Azure.

  1. Navigate to the portal for the My Tasks application and log in as a user who can approve the request.

  2. In My Tasks, locate the Business Request for creating the application and click the Pending button.


  3. Click Run Workflow.


  4. Review the information in the Running Approval Workflow dialog and click Approve.

    You should see the request is completed and pending fulfillment, which occurs when the system creates the application in Azure.

Step 6: Verify the application in Azure

After the request to create an Azure application has been approved and EmpowerID has fulfilled the request, you should be able to confirm the application has been created in Azure with the owner and deputies specified when the application was created.

  1. Log in to your Azure portal and navigate to Azure AD > Enterprise applications.

  2. Select All Applications as the Application type and then search for the application you just created.

    You should see the application.

  3. Click the Name link for the application to navigate to the Overview blade for the app.

  4. Under Manage, click Owners.

    You should seethe Application owner and any deputies you specified for the application when you created it in EmpowerID.