Add App Roles to Azure Applications

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Add App Roles to Azure Applications

If your organization integrates applications with Azure AD, you can manage those applications in EmpowerID. This includes onboarding applications, assigning users to application roles, adding app roles to applications, editing applications, and deleting applications. In this article, we demonstrate how to add an app role to an Azure application managed by EmpowerID.

Add an app role to an Azure application

  1. Navigate to the Resource Admin application portal for your environment.

  2. Select Applications from the dropdown menu and search for the application you want to assign an Azure AD role.

  3. Click the Friendly Name link for the application.


  4. Select Azure Application Roles on the application menu, expand Actions and then click Create Azure Application Role.

    This initiates the Create Azure App Role workflow with the selected application as the target and directs you to the App Role Details form.


  5. Fill in the form fields with the appropriate information for your app role.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Review the summary information and then click Submit.

Verify the application role in Azure

  1. In Azure, navigate to Azure AD > App registrations.

  2. Select All applications and search for the target application.

  3. Click the Display Name link for the application.


  4. Under Manage, click App Roles.

    You should see the app role you created for the application.


Inventoried App Roles are stored as records in the AzGlobalRight table of the EmpowerID Identity Warehouse. You can view these in the Web on the Find Universal PBAC page. To do so, expand Role Management and click Universal PBAC. Once on the page, select the Global Right tab and search for the App Role. You should see the role in the grid as shown in the below image.