PBAC Membership Policy How To-

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PBAC Membership Policy How To-

For PBAC membership policy to work in EmpowerID following steps are needed.

  1. Create a PBAC Attribute Type - PBAC field type or an attribute is a connector used to connect an EmpowerID actor( e.g. a person) to a PBAC membership policy target( e.g. a group).

  2. Add value to PBAC attribute Type - PBAC field type or attribute has some values that are used to compare for membership of an actor(e.g. Person) to a target( e.g. Group).

  3. Add PBAC Attribute Type to an Actor - PBAC field type or attribute should be added to an EmpoerID actor( e.g. a Person).

  4. Create a PBAC Membership Policy - It is required to create a PBAC membership policy so that we can use it for a target type( e.g. a Group).

  5. Add PBAC Attribute Type to PBAC Membership Policy - PBAC field type or attribute should be added to a PBAC membership policy.

  6. Verify the Result - After the PBAC membership policy is compiled we can verify the result. For example, after the PBAC membership policy is compiled, it will add the actor ( e.g. person) to a target ( e.g. a group)






Create a PBAC Attribute


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