Create a PBAC Membership Policy

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Create a PBAC Membership Policy

PBAC Membership policies are policies you create to specify the conditions under which an EmpowerID actor, such as a person or a Business Role and Location can be added to or potentially added to Management Roles, groups, Business Roles and Locations, or Query-Based Collections. PBAC Membership policies are comprised of Attribute-Based membership policies, which contain rules defining the field types, field type values, and rights needed by users for the system to add them to the target of the policy. In this article, we discuss the components of PBAC Membership policies and how to create and use them.

PBAC Membership policies can be created in two different ways

  1. Using the view one page of the roles, groups, and collections

  2. Using the role modeling inbox page (global policy)

Method 1 - Create using the view one page of the roles, groups, and collections

PBAC Membership policies can be created on the view one page of the roles, groups, and collections that are the target of the policy. In the below example, we demonstrate how to create a policy using the view-one page of a group that is the target of the policy.

  1. On the navbar, expand Identity Administration and select Groups.

  2. Search for a group name.


  3. Click on the group logon name hyperlink to open the group’s view-one page.


  4. Select the Advanced tab and scroll down to select Attribute-Based Membership Policies.


  5. Click on the + icon in the above image to create a new membership policy for this group. The below page will open. Enter the name of the policy, select a policy type. Check the IsEnable check box. Select the minute interval with 15 min and click on Save.


  6. This will create the PBAC membership policy and queue it for compilation.

Method 2 - Create using the role modeling inbox page (global policy)

PBAC Membership policies can be created globally on the role modeling inbox page of EmpowerID. In the below example, we demonstrate how to create a policy using the role modeling inbox page.

  1. On the navbar, expand Role Management and select Role Modeling Inbox.

  2. Select the Attribute-Based Membership Policies tab and then click the Add button on the grid header.

    This opens the Policy Form, which is where you add the information necessary to create the policy.

    The form contains the following fields:

  3. Enter the information appropriate for your situation and then click Save to create the policy.

Now that the policy is created, the next step is to define the conditions needed for users to be added to the policy target. You do this by adding rules to it.

Step 2 - Add Attribute Conditions to the policy

  1. Locate the policy you just created in the Attribute-Based Membership Policies grid and click the Name link for it.

    This directs you to the Policy Details (View One) page for the policy.

    The page contains a General pane and four accordions for viewing information about the policy and configuring it as needed.

  2. Expand the Attribute Conditions (Field Types) accordion and click the Add button on the grid header.


  3. Enter the following information in the Dynamic Membership Rule form that appears:

    • Name – Name of the rule

    • Right – If the rule defines an application right that needs to be met, search for and select the appropriate right

    • Field Type (Attribute) – If the rule specifies an application field type that needs to be met, search for and select the appropriate attribute

    • Field Values Constraints on Right Assignment – If the field type can have multiple values, select the values needed

      In the below example, the rule specifies that users need the Data Access right to the Customer field type for Intu.


  4. Save the rule.

  5. Repeat, adding as many rules as needed.

When adding multiple rules to a policy you create an AND condition. In order to qualify for the target, users need to meet all conditions. If you want to create an OR condition where users only need to meet one of multiple conditions, you would need create a separate policy for each condition.

After creating the policy, the system should compile it – and depending on the settings applied – will show matching records in either the Attribute-Based Membership Inbox accordion (when Enabled is set to True and Auto-Approve is set to True) or in the Preview Proposed Changes accordion.


Add a PBAC attribute to a PBAC membership Policy

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