Publish the MS Online Microservice to Azure

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Publish the MS Online Microservice to Azure

After you configure MS Online App Service Authentication, you need to publish the microservice to Azure to allow the app to make API calls to Azure AD.

To publish the MS Online Microservice to Azure

  1. Log in to EmpowerID as a person with the necessary access to initiate the Publish Azure App Service workflow.

  2. On the navbar, expand Azure Manager and select Configuration.

  3. From the Configuration page, select the Tenants tab and then click the Publish Azure App Service action link.


  4. For Application Type select Microservices and click Submit.


  5. For Microservice Application select MS Online PowerShell Microservice and then click SUBMIT.


  6. Click Choose File and browse for the App Service Publisher Profile Settings file you downloaded from Azure.


  7. Once you have selected the file, click Submit.


  8. Click Yes to confirm that you want to publish the microservice and then click OK to close the publish results message.


The microservice is now published to your App Service. The last step to deploying the microservice is to create a Key Vault in Azure (if needed), adding secrets to the Key Vault and configuring the App Service Application settings with those secrets.

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