Permanent Workflows

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Permanent Workflows

A permanent workflow is a workflow that runs continuously on a consistent schedule based on business needs or requirements. In EmpowerID, a permanent workflow can only run on one worker role container (server) at a time, and only one instance of the permanent workflow can run at a time. EmpowerID ships with several permanent workflows out of the box, but you can create new ones in Workflow Studio as needed.

EmpowerID uses default settings for each workflow if no configuration is applied. Default settings are defined on each workflow View One page. To view the View One page for a permanent workflow, navigate to the Find Permanent Workflows page by expanding Infrastructure Admin > EmpowerID Servers and Settings and selecting Permanent Workflows from the navbar. Once on the Find Permanent Workflows page, click the Display Name link for the workflow whose View One page you want to view.

View One page for the Person Expiration Notification permanent workflow


Key Points

Permanent workflows are managed by the Permanent Workflow Job

Permanent Workflow Job

At least one server must be running this role for any permanent workflow to function.

Find Page for Permanent Workflows

Each permanent workflow can be enabled/disabled and configured individually.

Permanent Workflow Configuration Page

Key Takeaways:

  1. A permanent workflow needs to run continuously on a consistent schedule.

  2. A permanent workflow can only run on one worker role container (server) at a time.

  3. New permanent workflows can be created in Workflow Studio.


Creating Permanent Workflows



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