Add PBAC Attributes to a Person

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Add PBAC Attributes to a Person

By adding PBAC attributes to a Person, you can effectively control user privileges, set boundaries for their actions, authenticate their identities, and manage communication channels. This tutorial will walk you through the step-by-step process of assigning PBAC attributes to a Person.


  1. Log in to EmpowerID with the necessary permissions.

  2. On the navbar, expand Identity Administration and select People.

  3. To search for a person, input their name in the search box and click the search button. When you find the person on the listing page, click the link in the EmpowerID Login column to open the person's details page.



  4. Find the PBAC Attribute Assignment menu in the accordion menu on the person's detail page. Click on the button to add the PBAC attribute to the person.

  5. Please input the necessary values into the input fields and click the Save button.

    • Choose the Attribute Only (Field Type) option to assign an attribute.

    • Search and select the Attribute (Field Type) to add for the person.

    • Select the PBAC right values for the chosen attribute to constrain on right access within the selected values. The available options depend on the “Default Selection Rule “set while creating the attribute type. Depending on the configuration, the values may be displayed as a dropdown menu, a multi-select checkbox, a textbox, or a range. For the shown field type, MultiSelectCheckBoxList was chosen while creating the PBAC attribute type, so we see checkboxes for the attribute's values.


  6. To add additional values, follow the instructions in steps 4 and 5 again. After saving the values, they will appear in the PBAC attribute assignment listing grid.