Deploy the Orchestration Pack to ServiceNow

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Deploy the Orchestration Pack to ServiceNow

This article will guide you through the process of importing the necessary packages into ServiceNow. Additionally, we'll walk you through adding the workflows in the Orchestration Pack to the ServiceNow Service Catalog and configuring them. Finally, we'll show you how to make the EmpowerID Chat Bot available to users within ServiceNow.

Gather Repository Information from EmpowerID

The EmpowerID Orchestration Pack for ServiceNow is customized to meet the business logic and workflow requirements of each customer. These customized files are hosted separately for each customer. Before you begin the integration process, please gather the following information for your Orchestration Pack for ServiceNow from EmpowerID, as the details vary for each customer:

  • Access Token: An access token is required to access the repository. This access token will be used as a password later when creating the credentials.

  • URL of the Repository: URL of the repository.

  • Branch: Branch of the repository.

  • x_36687_eid.base_url : Each client has a unique EmpowerID URL for ServiceNow configuration, which differs from the regular instance URL.

Step 1 – Import Orchestration Package and Configure Base URL

The EmpowerID Orchestration Pack for ServiceNow can be conveniently imported from the ServiceNow platform. To import the orchestration package, you need to

  • Create credentials on the ServiceNow platform,

  • Import the package from GitHub into the studio,

  • Configure x_36687_eid.base_url.

Please follow the instructions below to import and configure the base URL.

  1. Log in to your ServiceNow instance as an administrator.

  2. Click on All to Expand the Filter Navigator, and navigate to Connection and Credential > Credential.


  3. Click on the New button to proceed.



  4. Select Basic Auth Credentials as the type of credentials.

  5. Provide the necessary details and click on Submit to save the credential:

    • Name: A unique and descriptive identifier for the credential.

    • Username: A username to be used for the credential.

    • Password: Access Token for the repository. (Provided by EmpowerID)


  6. Click on All to Expand the Filter Navigator, and navigate to System Applications > Studio.


  7. Click on Import from Source Control.


  8. Provide the necessary details and click on Import.


    • Network Protocol: Choose the appropriate network protocol:

    • URL (Provided by EmpowerID)

      • HTTPS: By default, use the URL below, or if a different URL has been provided, please use that instead.

      • SSH: By default, use the git SSH provided below, or if specific information has been provided, please use that instead.

    • Credentials: Select the credential you created earlier.

    • Branch: Provide the branch of the EmpowerID repository. (Provided by EmpowerID)

  9. Once the process is completed, EmpowerID will be listed among the applications in the Select Application window we used earlier.



  10. The final configuration to make this setup work is to configure the x_36687_eid.base_url, In the All Menu, type sys_properties.list and press enter to open the system properties page.



  11. Search for the x_36687_eid.base_url property and click on it.


  12. Replace the value with the x_36687_eid.base_url with the URL provided by EmpowerID and click Update.



You have successfully imported the orchestration package into EmpowerID and configured the necessary URL. Proceed to the next step, which is adding workflows to the service catalog.

Step 2 – Import Groups and Management Roles

To configure EmpowerId for communication of Groups and Roles to SNOW in your developer instance, follow these steps. If the configuration doesn't exist, create it:

  1. Login to EmpowerID with the necessary permissions.

  2. On the navigation bar, expand the Admin section. Click on Application and Directories → Account Store and System.



  3. Click on the Account Store tab and use the search bar to find the account store created for Service Now.

  4. Click on the Account Store name link to view its details.

  5. Select the Resource System tab. Click on Configuration Parameters within the Resource System Info sub-tab.



  6. Please make sure that all current parameters are properly configured. The configuration list below lists the parameter names and values. If any parameters are missing, please follow the instructions in step #7 to add them.
    To modify an existing parameter,

    • Click on the edit icon in the parameter,



    • Enter the correct values, and then click on Save.


  7. If any parameters are missing, please refer to the configuration list below for the parameter name and value and add them accordingly. Repeat this step for each missing configuration value until all are added.

    • Click on the add button.



    • Input the values provided in the table below. Click save.



Configuration List for Groups and Management Roles

Here is the list of configurations needed for the SNOW integration to import groups and management roles, including their names and values.

Please replace the {yourinstanceurl} placeholder in the values below with the unique EmpowerID URL for ServiceNow configuration (Provided by EmpowerID), which differs from the regular EmpowerID instance URL.

































Step 3 – Add EmpowerID Workflows to the Service Catalog

  1. Search for Service Catalog in the Filter Navigator and click Service Catalog.


  2. Click the Add New button in the main pane of the Service Catalog,



  3. In the Sections dialog that appears, select Catalog Categories > EmpowerID Services and then click Add here.

    You should see EmpowerID Services as a new widget.


  4. Click the EmpowerID Services widget.

    You should see the three EmpowerID workflows.


Step 4 – Choose to Use Flow / Workflow in Service Catalog

When integrating EmpowerID with ServiceNow, customers can choose between using flows and workflows to automate various tasks. Both options offer distinct advantages and can be configured according to specific business needs. To facilitate the choice between using a flow or a workflow in the Service Catalog, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click on All to Expand the Filter Navigator, and navigate to System Applications > Studio.

  2. In the Select Application popup, search for EmpowerID and click on it.


  3. After loading the studio page, navigate to the Service CatalogCatalog Items node in the Application Explorer pane.


  4. To configure a catalog item, click to open it and find the Process Engine tab in the details view.


  5. To use flows as the process engine for your service catalog, deselect the workflow, choose the desired flow, and click "Update." By default, workflows are selected as the process engine.



  6. Repeat steps #5 and #6 to configure the appropriate flow as a process engine for all service catalogs.

You have now successfully configured the use of either Flow or Workflow in the service catalog. Next, please proceed to the following step to add a workflow specifically for password changes in the menu.

Step 5 – Add the Change Password workflow to the main menu

  1. Search for Portals in the Filter Navigator and then click Portals.


  2. Click Service Portal.


  3. In the Service Portals view, click the Info button to the right of the Main Menu.


  4. Click Open Record.


  5. Under Menu Items, click New.


  6. In the Menu Item form, do the following:

    1. Enter Reset Password in the Label field.

    2. Enter password_reset in the Page field.

    3. Click Submit.


  7. In the ServiceNow Filter navigator, search for Service Portal and click Service Portal.

    The Reset Password link should be displayed as a menu item.


  8. Click Reset Password.

    The Reset Password page should be displayed.

    Next, display Change Password as a catalog item.

Step 6 – Add Change Password to the Service Catalog

  1. In the ServiceNow Filter navigator, search for Content Items and then click Content Items.

  2. In the Content Items view, click New.


  3. In the New record form that opens, do the following:

    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the Catalog item, such as Reset EmpowerID Password.

    2. Click the Lock button to the right of the Catalogs link.

    3. Enter Service Catalog in the search field and then click Service Catalog.


    4. Click the Lock button to lock the catalogs.


    5. In the Category field, search for and select Services.

    6. For Content Type, select External Content.

    7. For Target, select New Window/Tab.

    8. In the URL field, enter /sp?id=password_reset.

    9. Click Submit.


  4. In the ServiceNow Filter navigator, search for Service Portal and then click Service Portal.

  5. On the top menu bar, click Catalog.


  6. Search for the created Catalog item, e.g., Reset EmpowerID Password.

  7. Click the Catalog item.


    You should see the Reset Password page displayed in a new tab.


The Change Password process operates through the EmpowerID API to update a user's password. This process requires an authentication token, which generated by the Empower Token Generation job. Scheduled to run daily, this job is essential for producing tokens needed for authentic interactions with EmpowerID.

For new instances, it is necessary to execute this job at the outset to initiate the token generation cycle, which will then proceed automatically each day. If you want to know how to manually execute the job, please expand the dropdown below for instructions.


  1. In the ServiceNow Filter navigator, search for Scheduled Job and then click Scheduled Jobs.


  2. Search for Empower and then click Empower Token generation.


  3. In the Scheduled Script Execution pane that opens, click Execute Now.


Next, add the EmpowerID Chat Bot to ServiceNow.

Step 7 – Add the EmpowerID Chat Bot

  1. In the ServiceNow Filter navigator, search for Service Portal and click Service Portal Home.

  2. On the Service Portal Home page, press the CTRL key on your keyboard and then right-click on the page.

  3. Select Page in Designer from the context menu that appears.


  4. Select the Widgets tab and then search for Azure Bot.

    The bot appears on the lower right of the page.



Extend ServiceNow with the Orchestration Pack

Configure Service Catalog Requests

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