Attribute Flow - Directory Change Processor Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that takes the attribute changes from the attribute inbox that were discovered during inventory and processes them using the attribute flow rules to update the Person object. Changes to the Person object can then lead to changes being pushed to the attribute outbox that will flow to other systems. This job is scheduled per Account Store.
Account Lockout Detection Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that detects locked out user accounts.
Account Password Reset Inbox – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that performs the offline password resets.
Windows Service and AppPool Account Password Sync – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that synchronizes account password resets for accounts used by Windows Services and IIS App Pools.
Attestation Policy Compiler – Synchronizes account password resets for accounts used by Windows Services and IIS App Pools.
Attestation Processor – Not used - placeholder for customization.
Database Archiving Rule Processor – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that performs database archiving rules and processes.
Dynamic Hierarchy Generation Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that calculates which groups should be provisioned or deprovisioned in group hierarchy policies.
Dynamic Hierarchy Membership Inbox Processor Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that syncs the group membership for each group in the grou hierarchy membership inbox.
Dynamic Hierarchy Membership Recalculation Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that calculates which groups in group hierarchy policies should have their membership refreshed.
Dynamic Hierarchy Provision Inbox Processor – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that calculates which groups should be provisioned or deprovisioned in group hierarchy policies.
Group Membership Queue Processor Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that batch processes changes to group memberships.
Group Membership Reconciliation Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that evaluates the current "as is" membership of groups versus the "should be" state of who should be a member based upon dynamic RBAC assignments of the "Member" Resource Role in EmpowerID. This job is scheduled per Resource System or Account Store.
Inventory Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that claims inventory jobs for Resource Systems and Accounts stores on a scheduled basis and calls the inventory method for that system. For Account Stores, the inventory process is responsible for populating the attribute inbox and also it can run the initial Person provision process using the same Join and Provision Rule logic used by the Account Inbox One by One or Account Inbox Bulk permanent workflow. The actual implementation of how to inventory each system will be specific to the type of system and the implementation in its connector. This job is scheduled per Resource System or Account Store.
Office 365 Batch Processor – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that performs the batch processing for Exchange Online Office365 actions.
Permanent Workflow Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that ensure permanent EmpowerID workflows are kept in a continuously running state.
Person Default Attributes Reinforcement Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that is responsible for making sure people have the mandatory attributes assigned by policy. It will also populate the outbox so accounts owned by the person are updated.
RBAC Maintenance Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service to calculate RBAC assignments.
RBAC Security Compiler Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that is responsible for building the Location and Business Role trees. It also calculates the location of resource location and which security delegations will affect them. This job MUST run in only ONE server.
RBAC Security Person Business Role Compiler Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that is responsible for calculating what business roles and locations a person will have based on all possible assignments.
Resource Entitlement Inbox Processor Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that performs the actions specified by the Resource Entitlement Inbox entries (Provision, Deprovision, etc.).
Resource Entitlement Recalculation Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that evaluates the current "as is" status of Resource Entitlement policies (RETs) versus the "should be" state. This entails determining what Accounts, Home Folders, Exchange Mailboxes, etc… people currently own versus what they should own by policy. The delta to normalize what they have with what they should have is written to the Resource Entitlement Inbox as a series of actions to be performed (Provision, Disable, Move, De-provision).
Resource Role Reconciliation Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that manages the membership of EmpowerID Resource Role groups (RRGs). It determines who should currently be a member of those RRGs and then modifies the membership to match. This job is scheduled per Resource System or Account Store.
Search Tag Compilation – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that evaluates and prepares the tags needed for tag searching in EmpowerID; it calculates implicit tagging.
Rights Enforcement Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that adds or removes native permissions for resources in external systems based on the current state of RBAC delegations. The actual granting or revoking of rights for external systems can result in calls to other agents (e.g., the Exchange Agent) in order to complete the action. This job is scheduled per Resource System or Account Store.
Rights Inventory Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that inventories native permissions for external system resources. The actual inventory of rights for the external system in question can result in calls to other agents (e.g., SharePoint Agent) in order to complete the action.
Risk Factor and Stats Recalculation Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that is responsible for calculating the risk factor score for all EmpowerID actor types.
Role and Location Compiler – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that is responsible for determining a person's roles and locations from external data.
Role and Location Processor – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that is responsible for assigning roles and locations to a person, as determined by the compiler from external data.
Separation Of Duties Policy Compiler – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that evaluates separation of duties policies to discover violations and creates Separation of Duties (SoD) Violation tasks.
Separation Of Duties Violation Processor – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that performs default configured actions in response to SoD Violation tasks.
Set Compiler Job – Job hosted by the Worker Role service that evaluates saved searches or Sets against connected Account Stores. The results of these compiled search can be used for query-based assignment of Person objects to Business Roles and Locations.