Assign App Rights

Assign App Rights

Assigning app rights to users ensures individuals have the appropriate level of access to perform their roles effectively within an application. This process involves granting permissions aligning with each user's job responsibilities, enhancing security and operational efficiency.


Step 1: Sign In to Resource Admin

  1. Sign in to Resource Admin as at least a user with the Application RBAC Owner Management Role.

Step 2: Locate the PBAC Application

  1. Select Applications from the Resource Type menu, search for the target PBAC application, and click the Details button.


    This directs you to the Overview page for the application.



Step 3: Assign the app right

  1. On the App menu, navigate to PBAC Assignments > App Rights Assignments.

  2. Click the dropdown arrow on the Assign App Right button and select the appropriate assignee type. In this example, we assign the app right to a person. The assignment process remains the same when assigning app rights to a different assignee type, such as a group.


  3. Search for and select the person from the Select Person to Assign Right(s) field.



    This opens the “Assign Rights” modal with the person selected to receive one or more app rights.


  4. Click the app right to be assigned from the All panel on the left of the Assign Rights modal. This allows you to view information about the Access Request Policy governing access to the right and enables the “Add” button.



  5. Optionally, if you want to add a time constraint to the assignment, toggle the Set Duration button, click the End Date Time field, and select the appropriate end time date from the calendar.


  6. Click Add.



    This moves the app right to the Added panel.


  7. Click Add Field Types if you want to add access to specific Field Type Values configured for the app right.



    This opens the app right drawer.



  8. Click Show Field Types.


  9. Select each Field Type Value you want to assign and click Save to return to the Assign Rights modal.


  10. When ready, click Add to Cart to add the assignment to the shopping cart.


  11. Click the cart icon. This opens the cart to allow you to review details about the assignment and enter required additional information about it.



  12. Fill in the required fields, and when ready, click Submit.


    You should see a message indicating the status of the cart submission.


Expected Results

Upon completing the steps above, you should be able to view records for each assignment in the App Rights Assignments grid.

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