Exclude Access Level Enforcement

Exclude Access Level Enforcement

In certain situations you may not want one or more Access Level(s) to be enforced for a specific resource system. When this is the case, you need to create an Access Level Enforcement Exclusion in EmpowerID. To do so, you run the CreateAccessLevelExclusion workflow and specify the Access Level to be excluded and the resource system where the Access Level is to be excluded.

To create an Access Level Enforcement Exclusion

  1. On the navbar, expand Admin > Applications and Directories and click Account Stores and Systems.

  2. Select the Actions tab and then click Create Access Level Enforcement Exclusion.

  3. Search for the Access Level you want to exclude, click the record for it to select it and click Submit.


  4. Search for the Resource System Type where you want to exclude enforcement and click the box to the left of the system to select it.


  5. Click Submit to create the exclusion.

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