Assign Access Levels to Business Role and Location Combinations
Access Levels are bundles of EmpowerID operations and/or native system rights specific to a resource type that when assigned to users grants those users the ability to access IT resources in the manner specified by the Access Level. When you assign Access Levels to Business Role and Location (BRL) combinations, each member of the Business Role and Location will receive the Access Levels and be able to perform the tasks associated with them. For example, if you assign the Member Access Level for a generic group to the Business Role and Location, each person in the Business Role and Location will be granted group membership.
Assign Access Levels to BRL Combinations
On the navbar, expand Role Management and click Business Roles and Locations.
Select the Allowed Combinations tab and search for the target Business Role and Location.
Click the Business Role and Location link.
This directs you to the View page for the Business Role and Location combination. View pages allow you to view and manage the objects to which they pertain.On the View page, select the Access subtab and then expand the Access Granted By Business Role and Location accordion.
Click the Add button.
This opens the Grant Actor Access page. You use this page to select and scope the Access Levels you are assigning.In the Which Type of Access panel of the page, do the following:
Assign Direct to Resource or Other Method — Select the type of assignment
Direct — Select this option if you want to assign to the BRL access to a specific resource, such as a single group
By Location — Select this option if you want to assign to the BRL access to all resources in a specific location (and below if the location has child locations), such as all groups in Boston
Relative — Select this option if you want to assign to the BRL access to all resources relative to members of the BRL, such as all groups in a person’s locations
Belonging to which group — Select this option if you want to assign to the BRL access to all users and people who are members of the selected group(s)
Belonging to which Management Role — Select this option if you want to assign to the BRL access to all people who are members of the selected Management Role(s)
Belonging to which Query-Based Collection — Select this option if you want to assign to the BRL access to all objects belonging to the Query-Based Collection
Resource Type — Select the resource type for which you are assigning the BRL access, such as Group (Security)
Access Level — Select the Access Level you are assigning to the BRL, such as Member
In the Where: Select Resources or a Location panel, search for and select the target resource(s) or the target location (for By Location assignments)
In the Why & for How Long? panel, do the following:
Comment or Justification — Enter a comment about the assignment; optional
Access Starts — Click the field and select a start date and time from the calendar; if a start date is not selected, access begins immediately
Access Ends — Click the field and select an end date and time from the calendar; if an end date is not selected, access continues perpetually
Click Add.
Repeat steps 6 through 8 for each assignment you want to make.
When ready to commit your changes, click Submit.
About Business Roles and Locations
Map EmpowerID Locations to External Locations
Create Business Role and Location Combinations
Assign Management Roles to Business Role and Location Combinations
Map Groups to Business Role and Location Combinations
Add People to Business Role and Location Combinations
View Members of Business Role and Location Combinations