Managing Field Types

Managing Field Types

Application owners can easily edit existing Field Types, allowing them to update or refine data categorization as needed. This flexibility is essential for maintaining accurate and relevant data within the application, ensuring that the information aligns with current business needs and structures.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • At least the Application RBAC Owner Management Role.

  • Defined one or more Field Types relevant to your application.


Step 1: Sign In to Resource Admin

  1. Sign in to Resource Admin as at least a user with the Application RBAC Owner Management Role.

Step 2: Locate the PBAC Application

  1. Select Applications from the Resource Type menu, search for the target PBAC application, and click the Details button.



    This directs you to the Overview page for the application.



Step 3: Edit the Field Type

  1. From the app menu, go to PBAC Definitions > App Owned Field Types and search for the Field Type you want to edit.

  2. Click the gear icon for the Field Type record and select Manage Field Type from the context menu.


    This action initiates the ManageAzFieldType wizard workflow against the selected Field Type.


  3. Edit any of the following settings as needed.

    General Settings:








The name of the field type.

Enter the name without spaces.

Display Name

A user-friendly label visible in the EmpowerID user interface to represent to field type.

Provide a display name.


A concise explanation of the field type.

Optionally, enter a description.

Enabled for PBAC Membership Rules

This option enables the field type to be used in PBAC Membership Policies. If the field type is intended solely for access assignments or other purposes and not for membership, leave this option unchecked.

Select the option if the field type is to be used in PBAC Membership Policies.

Default Selection Rule

This setting determines how the values for the field type are presented to users in the UI. For instance, if the field type supports multiple values and you want users to be able to select several options, choose 'MultiSelectCheckBoxList.'

Select the appropriate selection rule.

Custom Data Source

This setting to make the field type searchable and available for lookups.

Select the option to make the field type searchable and available for lookups.

Creation Location

This defines the EmpowerID location where the Field Type will be created and is used for RBAC purposes.

If the field contains a default location and you need to use another, clear the selected location and use the search field to find the desired location or browse to select it from the organization tree.

Advanced Data Source Settings







Data Type

This specifies the data type

Enter the method name.

Component Method

This defines the name of the method used to return field values, such as GetAllSearch. This method is used when you do not want to maintain a static list of possible field type values.


Component Method Parameters

This specifies the parameters used for the component method call. These parameters are passed to the method to filter or otherwise manipulate the data returned for the field type.

Enter the method parameters.

Value Field

This returns a specific field for the type, such as the Name field. it specifies which data field’s value should be returned and displayed.

Enter the value field.

Method Supports Paging

Determines whether paging is supported for the field type.

Enabled by default; deselect to disable.

Method Supports Search

Determines whether searching is supported for the field type.

Enabled by default; deselect to disable.

Method Supports Tags

Determines whether the use of tags is supported for the field type.

Check to enable.

Field Grid or Auto-Complete Template

This field can be used to input JSON to customize the display of autocomplete or grid fields.

Add the desired JSON.

  1. Click Next to save your changes to the Field Type and exit the workflow.