Localizing Support Contact Information

Localizing Support Contact Information

The EmpowerID user interface includes a Support navbar item at the bottom of the navbar. This item displays support contact information, such as phone numbers and email addresses, for end-users to contact for assistance. These must be localized to match your specific environment and support details. This article explains how to localize the text and values for this item.

Note: If you need to remove the Support navbar item from the user interface instead of localizing it, refer to the article Managing the Display of the Support Navbar Item for detailed instructions.

Understanding the Locale Keys

Below is an image of the support contact control as it appears in the EmpowerID Web interface:


A Locale Key represents each text and value displayed in the support control. Below are the keys and their default values:

Locale Key

Default Value

Locale Key

Default Value


Toll Free Global Number: *1


Toll Free US Number: *2


Toll Free International Number: *3








Global Support Email






Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary, UK & Ireland

Steps to Localize Support Contact Information

Step 1: Access the Support Localized Text

  1. On the navbar, expand Admin > Miscellaneous and select Localized Text.

  2. Select the Localized Strings tab and then search for SupportLink.
    You should see all the localized strings for the Support navbar item.



Step 2: Customize the Default Values

  1. Click the Locale Key (Unique Name) link for the localized string whose default value needs to be changed.


    This directs you to the Locale Key Details page for the key.



  2. Replace the current value in the Default Value field with the value that matches your organization’s requirements and click Save.



Step 3: Add Translations for Additional Locales (Optional)

  1. On the Locale Key Details page, select the Translations tab.



  2. Click the Edit button for a language where the translation needs to be updated.



  3. Enter the translation in the Translation field and click Save.

  4. Repeat as needed for each language.

Step 3: Verify the Changes

After EmpowerID processes your changes, do the following to verify the results.

  1. Navigate to the Support navbar item.

  2. Confirm that the updated values are reflected correctly. The example below shows that the SupportLinkEmailSuffix Locale Key has been updated as expected.



  3. If translations were added, switch to the respective local in the interface to ensure the localized values are displayed appropriately.



Step 4: Apply to All Locale Keys

Repeat the steps outlined above for each Locale Key listed in the table as needed. This ensures that all aspects of the support contact information are fully localized to meet your organization’s requirements. Ensure to verify each update in the EmpowerID interface for accuracy and consistency.

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