Add runtime dependencies to a manifest

Add runtime dependencies to a manifest

Runtime dependencies are files not included with Workflow Studio that need to be referenced by your project’s manifest for it to run correctly in an runtime environment. When this it the case, you can quickly add to the manifest references to these files. This ensures that all required files will be included when you package the manifest for deployment.

Add runtime dependencies

  1. In Workflow Studio, open the Deployment pane by selecting either Deployment Services from the Common ribbon or Deploy from the Build ribbon.

  2. Click the Open Manifest button located above the Build Order pane.


  3. Search for and select the manifest file you want to update.


    You should see the manifest tree open.

  4. Build the manifest.

  5. Click No when asked about restarting Workflow Studio.

  6. Right-click anywhere in the lower Status pane and select Add New Runtime Dependency.

  7. Search for the file required by your project and click Open.

    You should see the new dependency in the lower Status pane.

Next Steps

Package manifest for deployment

Remove runtime dependencies from a manifest

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