OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant

The Authorization Code Grant is used to request an authorization code that can be exchanged for an ID token and, typically, an access token. This grant is advantageous because tokens cannot be intercepted, as they are never exposed to the user agent (typically, a web browser). The flow is redirection-based, so the client needs to be able to interact with the resource owner’s user agent to initiate and complete the process.

Authorization Code Grant Flow

The diagram below provides an overview of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant flow as implemented in EmpowerID. Each numbered step in the diagram corresponds to a key part of the process, which we explain in detail in the following section. This flow is essential for understanding how the client application interacts with the Authorization and Token Endpoints to authenticate users and obtain tokens securely.


Detailed Steps of the Authorization Code Grant Flow

Now, let’s go through each step depicted in the diagram to understand how the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant flow works in detail:

  1. Initiate Authorization Request: The client application initiates the flow by directing the resource owner’s user agent to the EmpowerID Authorization endpoint (https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/ui/authorize) with the required parameters:

    • response_type: Specifies the desired type of response, which must be code to initiate the authorization code flow.

    • client_id: The identifier for the client application requesting access.

    • scope: A space-separated list of access permissions being requested (e.g., openid for OpenID Connect).

    • redirect_uri: Specifies where the user agent should be redirected after successful authentication.

    • Optional parameters, such as state (to prevent CSRF attacks) and nonce (to mitigate replay attacks), can also be included for enhanced security.

  2. User Submits Credentials: The resource owner submits their credentials using a login form presented by the Authorization server. This may involve a traditional username-password combination, an external identity provider, or multi-factor authentication (MFA), depending on the security configuration.

  3. Authorization Code Issued: Upon successful authentication, the Authorization server redirects the user agent to the specified redirect_uri, including an authorization code and, if applicable, an identity token (id_token) in the query parameters. This redirect keeps tokens hidden from the user agent and ensures a secure transmission back to the client application.

  4. Token Request to Token Endpoint: The client application makes a back-channel request to the EmpowerID Token endpoint (https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/token) to exchange the received authorization code for an access token and a refresh token. The request must include the following:

    • grant_type: Must be set to authorization_code.

    • client_id: The client application identifier.

    • client_secret: A secret key associated with the client application.

    • code: The authorization code obtained from Step 3.

    This request happens server-to-server, ensuring that sensitive information, such as the client_secret, remains secure.

  5. Tokens Issued to Client Application: The Authorization server verifies the client credentials, validates the authorization code, and ensures the redirect_uri matches the one used in Step 1. If all checks pass, the Authorization server issues an access token (for accessing protected resources) and a refresh token (for obtaining a new access token without requiring further user authentication).

Authorization Code Grant

1. Initiate a login request to the EmpowerID Authorization endpoint, https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/ui/authorize

https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/ui/authorize ?client_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Ftestoauthapp.com%2FcallbackUrl &response_type=code &scope=openid &state=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &nonce=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Request Parameter



Request Parameter





Must be code to initiate authorization code flow. For OpenID Connect flow use code id_token as response type.



Must be the EmpowerID OAuth application client identifier.



The client app URL to which the authorization server will redirect after request approval. This URL should be registered in the Callback URLs on the EmpowerID OAuth application.



A space-separated list of strings that the user consents to. Values include openid for OpenID Connect flow.



A random string value sent by the client to maintain session and prevent CSR attacks



A random string value sent by client to uniquely identify each request

2. Authenticate using username and password or any of the allowed external identity providers.

3. The Authorization server redirects to the redirect_uri with the response parameters in the query string.

https://testoauthapp.com/callbackUrl ?state=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &code= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &id_token= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Response Parameter


Response Parameter



The value sent by the client to maintain the session


The authorization code generated by the authorization server


The identity token issued by the authorization server for OpenID Connect flow

4. Exchange the code for an access token by calling the EmpowerID Token endpoint, https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/token

https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/token ?client_id={The Client ID of the OAuth app you registered in EmpowerID} &client_secret={The Client Secret of the OAuth app you registered in EmpowerID} &grant_type=authorization_code &code=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Request Parameter



Request Parameter





Must be authorization_code to initiate authorization code flow.



Must be the EmpowerID OAuth application client identifier.



Must be the EmpowerID OAuth application client secret.



The authorization code received from the authorization server

5. Returns access token and refresh token in the response.

{ "access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "id_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }

Authorization Code Grant using .NET Client Library

1. Initialize ClientSettings by passing the client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, token_endpoint, authorization_endpoint, tokeninfo_endpoint and userinfo_endpoint. Also, initialize a new AuthorizationCodeGrant by passing the clientSettings model.

var clientSettings = new ClientSettings(     “client_id”,     “client_secret”,     “redirect_uri”,     “https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/token”,     “https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/ui/authorize”,     “https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/tokeninfo”,     “https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/userinfo”);                var handler = new AuthorizationCodeGrant(clientSettings);

2. Call the BuildAuthorizationRequestPacket() method to build authorization code flow parameters.

//Generate random nonce and state var nonce = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); var state = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");   //Use the below code for "code" flow to build parameters var parameters = handler.BuildAuthorizationRequestPacket (ParameterFormat.FormUrlEncoded, state, null, nonce, null);          //Use the below code for "code id_token" flow to build parameters var responseTypes = new List<ResponseType> { ResponseType.id_token }; var parameters = handler.BuildAuthorizationRequestPacket      (ParameterFormat.FormUrlEncoded, state, "openid", nonce, responseTypes);   //Generate redirect URL var redirectUrl = string.Format("{0}?{1}", clientSettings.AuthorizeUrl, parameters);

3. In the application’s callback method AuthorizationCodeGrantResponse() for example, extract the code and state, build an AuthorizationResponseModel model, and send it to the GetAccessToken() method.

public ActionResult AuthorizationCodeGrantResponse(AuthorizationResponseModel model) { AuthorizationResponseModel authorizationResponseModel = new AuthorizationResponseModel() {Code = "xxxxxxx", State = state}; AccessTokenResponseModel tokenResponseModel = null; try {     tokenResponseModel = handler.GetAccessToken<AccessTokenResponseModel>(         RequestMethod.POST,         ParameterFormat.FormUrlEncoded,         authorizationResponseModel,         false); } catch {  //Handle error   } }

Authorization Code Grant with PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) Extension

1. Initiate a login request to the EmpowerID Authorization endpoint, https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/ui/authorize

https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/ui/authorize ?client_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Ftestoauthapp.com%2FcallbackUrl &response_type=code &state=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &nonce=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &scope=openid &code_challenge=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &code_challenge_method=S256

Request Parameter



Request Parameter





Must be code to initiate authorization code flow. For OpenID Connect flow use code id_token as a response type.



Must be the EmpowerID OAuth application client identifier.



The client app URL to which the authorization server will redirect after request approval. This URL should be registered in the Callback URLs on the EmpowerID OAuth application.



A space-separated list of strings that the user consents to. Values include openid for OpenID Connect flow.



Specifies the transformation method used for the code_challenge. Permitted values are

  • plain

  • S256

Defaults to plain if not present in the request



The string derived from the code_verifier.

  • plain - code_challenge = code_verifier

  • S256 - code_challenge = BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(code_verifier)))

Please refer to the PKCE RFC for generating the Code Verifier.



A random string value sent by the client to maintain session and prevent CSR attacks



A random string value sent by client to uniquely identify each request

2. Authenticate using username and password or any of the allowed external identity providers.

3. Authorization server redirects to the redirect_uri with the response parameters in the query string.

https://testoauthapp.com/callbackUrl ?state=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &code= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &id_token= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Response Parameter


Response Parameter



The value sent by the client to maintain the session


The authorization code generated by the authorization server


The identity token issued by the authorization server for OpenID Connect flow

4. Exchange the code for an access token by calling the EmpowerID Token endpoint, https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/token

https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/token ?client_id={The Client ID of the OAuth app you registered in EmpowerID} &client_secret={The Client Secret of the OAuth app you registered in EmpowerID} &grant_type=authorization_code &code=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &code_verifier=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Request Parameter



Request Parameter





Must be authorization_code to initiate authorization code flow.



Must be the EmpowerID OAuth application client identifier.



Must be the EmpowerID OAuth application client secret.



The authorization code received from the authorization server



The Code Verifier value generated by the client during the initial authorization request

5. Returns access token and refresh token in the response.

{ "access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "id_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }

Authorization Code Grant with PKCE Extension using .NET Client Library

1. Initialize ClientSettings by passing the client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, token_endpoint, authorization_endpoint, tokeninfo_endpoint and userinfo_endpoint. Also, initialize a new AuthorizationCodeGrant by passing the clientSettings model.

var clientSettings = new ClientSettings(     “client_id”,     “client_secret”,     “redirect_uri”,     “https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/token”,     “https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/ui/authorize”,     “https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/tokeninfo”,     “https://<EID Server>/oauth/v2/userinfo”);                var handler = new AuthorizationCodeGrant(clientSettings);

2. Call the BuildAuthorizationRequestPacketWithPKCE() method to build the fully qualified URL to redirect to the authentication endpoint.

//Generate random nonce and state var nonce = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); var state = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); //Generate code_verifier var unreservedChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.-_`"; Random random = new Random(); var code_verifier = new string(Enumerable.Repeat(unreservedChars, 43).Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray()); //Store the generated code_verifier in cookie for example CookieHelper.SetCookieData("OAuthCodeVerifier", code_verifier); //Generate code_challenge (if plain) //var code_challenge = code_verifier; //var code_challenge_method = "plain"; //Generate code_challenge (if S256) var bytes = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(code_verifier)); var code_challenge = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes).Split('=')[0].Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_'); var code_challenge_method = "S256"; //Use the below code for "code" flow to build parameters var parameters = handler.BuildAuthorizationRequestPacketWithPKCE (ParameterFormat.FormUrlEncoded, state, null, nonce, code_challenge, code_challenge_method, null);          //Use the below code for "code id_token" flow to build parameters //var responseTypes = new List<ResponseType> { ResponseType.id_token }; //var parameters = handler.BuildAuthorizationRequestPacketWithPKCE //(ParameterFormat.FormUrlEncoded, state, "openid", nonce, code_challenge, code_challenge_method, responseTypes);   //Generate redirect URL var redirectUrl = string.Format("{0}?{1}", clientSettings.AuthorizeUrl, parameters);

3. In the application’s callback method AuthorizationCodeGrantWithPKCE() for example, extract the code ,state and the generated code_verifier , build an AuthorizationResponseModel model and send it to the GetAccessToken() method.

public ActionResult AuthorizationCodeGrantWithPKCE(AuthorizationCodeGrantViewModel model) { AuthorizationResponseModel authorizationResponseModel = new AuthorizationResponseModel() {Code = "xxxxxxx", State = state}; //Retrieve the code_verifier stored in the cookie var code_verifier = CookieHelper.GetCookieData("OAuthCodeVerifier"); var additionalParams = new Dictionary<string, string>(); additionalParams["code_verifier"] = code_verifier; AccessTokenResponseModel tokenResponseModel = null; try {     tokenResponseModel = handler.GetAccessToken<AccessTokenResponseModel>(         RequestMethod.POST,         ParameterFormat.FormUrlEncoded,         authorizationResponseModel,         false, null, additionalParams); } catch {  //Handle error   } }