Publish Workflow Studio Items to EmpowerID Environment

Publish Workflow Studio Items to EmpowerID Environment

When you are ready to deploy your published development work to a testing or production environment, you log in to the EmpowerID Web interface as a user with the appropriate access to run the PublishWorkflowStudioItem workflow and upload the .pub file for the workflows or other objects you want to publish. Once the workflow completes the publishing process, your work is available to users in the environment.

Deploy to EmpowerID Environment

  1. Log in to your organization’s portal for EmpowerID as a user with access to run the PublishWorkflowStudioItem workflow.

  2. On the navbar, expand Low Code/No Code Workflow> Low Code Workflows

  3. In the Workflow tab, select the Publish Workflow Studio Item action from the actions pane.

    Alternatively, you can append /w/PublishWorkflowStudioItem to the base URL for the EmpowerID server and press ENTER. The complete URL to run the workflow should look like https://<YourEmpowerIDServer>/#w/PublishWorkflowStudioItem.

  4. After the workflow loads, click the Browse button.


  5. Browse for the .pub file for the item or package you wish to deploy and then click Open. By default .pub files are located in the WFS >_PublishedItems folder on your machine.

  6. Click SUBMIT.

    Your item is now published and can be consumed by users.

See also

Create a manifest file

Build a manifest file

Package manifest for deployment

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