Package manifest for deployment

Package manifest for deployment

Packaging a manifest for deployment creates a .deploy file containing all the files referenced by the manifest of your Workflow Studio project. Deploy files are essentially ZIP files that you can deliver to other developers or environments requesting the application.

Package manifest

  1. In Workflow Studio, open the Deployment pane by selecting either Deployment Services from the Common menu or Deploy from the Build menu.

  2. Click the Open Manifest button located above the Build Order pane.


  3. Search for and select the manifest file you want to package for deployment.


    You should see the manifest tree open.

  4. Click Package for Deployment.

  5. Navigate to a folder on your machine in which to save the Deployment file that Workflow Studio creates, name it accordingly and click Save.


  6. Click OK to close the Build success message.

    You can now share the Deployment file with others.

If after clicking Package for Deployment, you receive an error message stating that a .pub file is missing, you must publish the item in question before you can successfully package the manifest. If this is the case, open the item in Workflow Studio and publish it. After publishing it, reopen the manifest and try to package it once more.

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