Search for Management Roles

Search for Management Roles

Post /GetAllSearchAdvanced

Send a POST request to the GetAllSearchAdvanced() method on the ManagementRoleView object to return information about one or more Management Roles. The information included in the response depends on the range of properties and parameter values included in the request.

A valid OAuth 2.0 Bearer token is required.


POST https://<FQDN_Of_Your_EmpowerID_Web_Server>/api/webui/v1/ManagementRoleView/GetAllSearchAdvanced

Header Key/Value Pairs






Bearer <access_token>


The API key from the registered OAuth application



Request Body

The body of the request must include all parameters required by the method and the IncludedProperties object with at least one Management Role property.

Included Properties

Use IncludedProperties to return one or more role properties.

Body Parameters

The GetAllSearchAdvanced() method includes a number of parameters that must be included in the body or the request. Use parameters to filter the number of Management Roles returned by the endpoint.



  • Return all roles with a matching the Management Role Definition (MRD) specified by the MRD ID

  • Set to null to ignore

  • Required



  • Return roles with a matching OrgZone ID

  • Set to null to ignore

  • Required



  • Return roles linked to the application specified by the application ID



  • Return roles where the person specified by the PersonID (GUID) is a member

  • Set to null to ignore

  • Required



  • Return roles not assigned to the Person specified by the Person ID set for the PersonID parameter

  • Set to null to ignore

  • Required



  • Return roles that have been directly assigned to to the person specified by the PersonID parameter

  • Set to null to ignore

  • Required



  • Return roles inherited from the Management Role specified by the GUID

  • Set to null to ignore

  • Required



  • Return roles marked as high security

  • Set to null to ignore

  • Required



  • Return TRBAC roles

  • Set to null to ignore

  • Required



  • Return roles where the person identified by the GUID is the owner

  • Set to null to ignore

  • Required



  • Return roles published in the IAM Shop

  • Set to null to ignore

  • Required



  • Specifies one or more search conditions. Formatted as follows:
    "%[[][[]%<Conditions><Condition PropertyName="\Name of the property to search\" SearchValue="\Value of the property\" Operator=\"Equality\" QuerySuffix=\" Suffix Value \"StartGroupString=\"\" EndGroupString=\"\" /></Conditions>"

  • Required



  • Specifies the number of roles to return in the list of roles

  • Required



  • Return roles with a matching resource tag

  • Set to null to ignore

  • Required



  • Specifies the first role in the list of roles returned by the API; set to 0 to return the first role

  • Required



  • Set to AdvancedSearch

  • Required



  • This is an output parameters that returns the number of roles matching the search conditions and parameter values.

  • Set to null to ignore

  • Required


The columnsToSearch body parameter is used to return Management Roles meeting one or more conditions. Each condition specifies a property with a specific value to search. For example, to return a list of deprecated “All Access” Management Roles, the value for columnsToSearch would be set to that shown below.

"%[[][[]%<Conditions><Condition PropertyName=\"FriendlyName\" SearchValue=\"deprecated\" Operator=\"EqualTo\" QuerySuffix=\" AND \" StartGroupString=\"\" EndGroupString=\"\" Index=\"0\" SearchType=\"String\"/><Condition PropertyName=\"Description\" SearchValue=\"All Access\" Operator=\"EqualTo\" QuerySuffix=\"\" StartGroupString=\"\" EndGroupString=\"\" Index=\"1\" SearchType=\"Boolean\"/></Conditions>"


In the above example, columnsToSearch contains two search conditions. The API returns roles matching both conditions. Each condition includes the PropertyName to search, the SearchValue to search for, an Equality Operator, a QuerySuffix and a SearchType for the relevant data type.

Search Examples

The below examples demonstrate how to use IncludedProperties, parameters, and conditions in columnsToSearch to query the API for a list of Management Roles matching the search conditions. Attributes returned for each record are set by the properties specified in IncludedProperties.

Get all High Security Management Roles that a specific person has been directly assigned to

Set the HighSecurity parameter to true, the PersonID parameter to the GUID of an EmpowerID Person and the ShowDirectPersonAssignmentsOnly parameter to true

{ "IncludedProperties": [ "FriendlyName", "ManagementRoleTypeFriendlyName", "Description", "OwnerAssigneeFriendlyName", "IsHighSecurity", "RiskFactorTotal" ], "Parameters": { "HighSecurity": true, "LinkedToApplicationID": null, "ManagementRoleDefinitionID": null, "ManagementRoleGUIDInherited": null, "NotAssignedToPersonID": null, "OrgZoneID": null, "OwnerPersonGUID": null, "PersonID": null, "ShowDirectPersonAssignmentsOnly": 1, "ShowTRBACRoles": null, "textToSearch": "AdvancedSearch", "columnsToSearch": "%[[][[]%<Conditions/>", "pageLength": 10, "resourceTags": null, "start": 0, "totalCount": null } }


Get all Management Roles owned by a specific person

Set the OwnerPersonGUID parameter to the GUID of an EmpowerID Person to return roles owned by that person.

{ "IncludedProperties": [ "FriendlyName", "ManagementRoleTypeFriendlyName", "Description", "OwnerAssigneeFriendlyName", "IsHighSecurity", "RiskFactorTotal" ], "Parameters": { "HighSecurity": null, "LinkedToApplicationID": null, "ManagementRoleDefinitionID": null, "ManagementRoleGUIDInherited": null, "NotAssignedToPersonID": null, "OrgZoneID": null, "OwnerPersonGUID": "d399765d-fcd7-45c9-913f-2b0c9e65f8b7", "PersonID": null, "ShowDirectPersonAssignmentsOnly": 1, "ShowTRBACRoles": null, "textToSearch": "AdvancedSearch", "columnsToSearch": "%[[][[]%<Conditions/>", "pageLength": 10, "resourceTags": null, "start": 0, "totalCount": null } }


Get all Management Roles by specific

Use columnsToSearch to return “Feature Set (UI)” Management Roles. Note the PropertyName for the search condition is set to ManagementRoleTypeID, SearchValue is set to 7, the Operator is set to EqualTo and the SearchType is Int.

{ "IncludedProperties": [ "FriendlyName", "ManagementRoleTypeFriendlyName", "Description", "OwnerAssigneeFriendlyName", "IsHighSecurity", "RiskFactorTotal" ], "Parameters": { "HighSecurity": true, "LinkedToApplicationID": null, "ManagementRoleDefinitionID": null, "ManagementRoleGUIDInherited": null, "NotAssignedToPersonID": null, "OrgZoneID": null, "OwnerPersonGUID": null, "PersonID": null, "ShowDirectPersonAssignmentsOnly": null, "ShowTRBACRoles": null, "textToSearch": null, "columnsToSearch": "%[[][[]%<Conditions><Condition PropertyName=\"ManagementRoleTypeID\" SearchValue=\"7\" Operator=\"EqualTo\" QuerySuffix=\"\" StartGroupString=\"\" EndGroupString=\"\" Index=\"0\" SearchType=\"Int\"/></Conditions>", "pageLength": 10, "resourceTags": null, "start": 0, "totalCount": null } }



Each identity object in the EmpowerID Identity Warehouse has a SearchTerms property with a specific set of search values that can used to return all objects matching those values. For Management Roles, SearchTerms include the Name, FriendlyName, Email, DistinguishedName, and Description properties. When used, the API returns all roles where the specified search value finds a match in any of those properties. For example, if the search value is set to “Doc”, the API would return all the following roles:

  • Any Management Role with a match in the name

  • Any Management Role with a match in the friendly name

  • Any Management Role with a match in the email address

  • Any Management Role with a match in the Distinguished Name

  • Any Management Role with a match in the description

The following examples illustrate how to use SearchTerms to return a subset of roles:

Get all Management Roles where the search value for SearchTerms is set to “help”

Use SearchTerms to return the Friendly Name, Management Role Type Friendly Name, Description and Risk Factor Total for Management Roles where the search value is set to "Help"

{         "IncludedProperties": [         "FriendlyName", "ManagementRoleTypeFriendlyName", "Description", "RiskFactorTotal"          ],     "Parameters": { "HighSecurity": true, "LinkedToApplicationID": null, "ManagementRoleDefinitionID": null, "ManagementRoleGUIDInherited": null, "NotAssignedToPersonID": null, "OrgZoneID": null, "OwnerPersonGUID": null, "PersonID": null, "ShowDirectPersonAssignmentsOnly": null, "ShowTRBACRoles": null, "textToSearch": "AdvancedSearch", "columnsToSearch": "%[[][[]%<Conditions><Condition PropertyName=\"SearchTerms\" SearchValue=\"Help\" Operator=\"EqualTo\" QuerySuffix=\"\" StartGroupString=\"\" EndGroupString=\"\" Index=\"0\" SearchType=\"String\"/></Conditions>", "pageLength": 10, "resourceTags": null, "start": 0, "totalCount": null } }


Get all Management Roles where the SearchValue of the SearchTerm is a Description containing "Azure"

{         "IncludedProperties": [         "FriendlyName", "ManagementRoleTypeFriendlyName", "Description", "RiskFactorTotal"          ],     "Parameters": { "HighSecurity": true, "LinkedToApplicationID": null, "ManagementRoleDefinitionID": null, "ManagementRoleGUIDInherited": null, "NotAssignedToPersonID": null, "OrgZoneID": null, "OwnerPersonGUID": null, "PersonID": null, "ShowDirectPersonAssignmentsOnly": null, "ShowTRBACRoles": null, "textToSearch": "AdvancedSearch", "columnsToSearch": "%[[][[]%<Conditions><Condition PropertyName=\"SearchTerms\" SearchValue=\"Description_*Azure\" Operator=\"EqualTo\" QuerySuffix=\"\" StartGroupString=\"\" EndGroupString=\"\" Index=\"0\" SearchType=\"String\"/></Conditions>", "pageLength": 10, "resourceTags": null, "start": 0, "totalCount": null } }

Sample Responses


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