Role Basics Exercise

Role Basics Exercise

  • Create a Business location structure for an organization that has 3 divisions with 4 departments per division

  • Create 5 employee-based business roles and 2 partner based business roles

  • Create one new access level for person objects called “Edit Contact Information” and assign the following operations to it:

    • Edit Address

    • Edit Email Addresses

    • Edit Phone Numbers

    • View Street Address Attributes

    • View Address and Phone Numbers

  • Create a Management Role called “Training End User” and assign to the business role and location “All Employee Roles” in “All Business Locations”

  • Create a query-based collection called “Training Collection of People with a long last name” with a query set called ”People with a long last name” that has the following SQL query:

    • select PersonGuid, FriendlyName from Person (nolock) where len(LastName) > 8

  • Set the evaluation schedule for the query set go every 30 minutes.


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