Mover Process

Mover Process

The Mover process is when a person in an organization changes his or her job function and or the organizational location in which they work. The Mover even is important as access should be reevaluated to ensure that any missing access required for the new role is provisioned and that access no longer needed is removed. A Mover event can be initiated manually using one of a variety of workflows to change a person’s primary Business Role and Location in EmpowerID. These workflows constitute a move and will trigger the reevaluation of RETs and other types of access policies. More commonly, Mover events are triggered based upon changes to a person’s job title/code or department ID assignment in the HR system. These changes will flow into EmpowerID via the connector typically as changes to the Account to External OrgRole (i.e. Business Role) and External OrgZone (i.e. Location) assignments. When these change, the EmpowerID Business Role and Location Compiler Job will leverage the mappings of these external roles and locations to determine which changes they portend for the Person’s internal EmpowerID Business Roles and Locations. It will then add the proposed changes to a queue to be processed by a second job. In some cases, this default mechanism is not adequate to handle the logic for determining a Mover event. As an example, in some organizations, an external location change within a business unit does not constitute a Mover event.

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