Based on the language saved for the Person
Email notifications are also localized based on the Person language
As an anonymous user is based on browser language
Workflow form fields and lookup titles and descriptions are automatically localized if the labels match Locale Key Entries
Code Examples
Text = EidResx("PersonAdvancedAttributesEditableLists").ToString()
<div data-bind="eidTab: { Title: '@EidResx("Page-ViewSelf-Tab-Report", true)' }"></div>
<div data-bind='eidGridColumn: { Title: "@EidResx("FriendlyName", EscapeMode.HtmlAttribute)", DataFieldName: "FriendlyName" }' ></div>
Find Localized Text Page in the EmpowerID UI
Localized Text Page
Language Translations View
Language Selector
Localized Emails