EmpowerID Quick Start

EmpowerID Quick Start

Congratulations on beginning your journey with EmpowerID! Your organization has chosen EmpowerID to secure your personal information and streamline access to various IT resources. This guide is designed to help you become acquainted with EmpowerID, enabling you to carry out your tasks more efficiently and securely. If you're new here, this is the perfect starting point, offering you a foundational understanding of navigating and utilizing EmpowerID from your initial login. After grasping the basics, feel free to explore further topics tailored to your role and your organization's specific needs.

What is EmpowerID?

EmpowerID is a comprehensive, flexible software solution designed to manage digital identities and access rights within an organization. Available as a cloud-based service (SaaS) or an on-premises installation, EmpowerID caters to a wide array of needs in Identity Governance, Access Management, Single Sign-On, and Privileged Access Management. Built on modern principles, including containerization and microservices, EmpowerID ensures a consistent experience whether deployed in the cloud or on-site. For cloud deployments, EmpowerID operates within your chosen Azure regions, aligning with stringent data security and regulatory requirements.

EmpowerID stands out by offering robust management features for all types of identities, including employees, partners, customers, and non-human entities like applications and devices. This makes EmpowerID an essential tool for organizations aiming to safeguard and efficiently manage their digital identity landscape.

How Do I Start?

To get started with EmpowerID, you open your browser and go to your organization's login page. The URL for this page should look something like https://eid.yourorganization.com/ui, where "eid" represents the name of your organization's EmpowerID server. The page you see should look something like the image below. In the image, there is only one login option, the default EmpowerID login. Depending on how your organization has configured the page, you may have more login options, and the page may be themed differently.

Once you reach the page, enter your username and password and click Login. If you log in with your EmpowerID account, you do not need to include your organization's UPN suffix (i.e., @yourorganization.com).

After logging in, you may be directed to several different pages before gaining access to your organization's portal. These pages can include the following:

  • Multi-Factor Authentication page – This page appears if your organization has set up Multi-factor authentication (MFA). Multi-factor authentication enhances the security of your account by using a secondary method to verify your identity. Depending on how your organization has set up MFA, you may be required to pick from one or more secondary methods or have the option to select none.


  • Edit Person Demographics page – This page allows you to provide personal information about yourself, such as your personal email or mobile phone number.


If you are directed to this page, you need to provide your personal email address, your mobile phone number and the name of your mobile phone provider before you can proceed.


  • Password Reset Center page – This page contains a series of password challenge questions that you answer to identify yourself to EmpowerID in the event you forget your password and need to reset it. Simply answer the questions presented to you and then click Submit.

    If you are not directed to the enrollment page, this means your organization does not allow you to reset your password. If that is the case, the first page you will see is your personal home page.

    After logging in and enrolling for password self-service reset (if that is your organization's policy), EmpowerID directs you to the home page that your organization has set for you. The page in the image below is your personal dashboard. This dashboard lets you quickly view the most pertinent information about your activity within EmpowerID.


    • Business Request Items To Do – In EmpowerID, business requests are requests for access to resources initiated by users in the IAM Shop. If you are someone who is assigned approval tasks for one or more business requests, the status of the requests appears here. This allows you to quickly view the number of requests you need to respond to.

    • Requested Business Request Items – In EmpowerID, business request items are the individual resources included in a business request. You can view the details of all your request items here, including what you requested, when you requested it, and the status of those requests. Each request item includes a link that directs you to the My Tasks app, where you can further interact with the request item.

    • Requested Business Request Items By Status – This provides a pie chart view of the status of your requested business request items.

    • Business Request Items To Do by Status – If you are someone who is assigned approval tasks business request items, the status of the items appears here. This allows you to quickly view the number of items you need to respond to.

    • My Recent Activities – This displays a list of all tasks you have performed on the site.

    • My Last 10 Login Failures – This displays the last ten attempts to log in that failed. This allows you to keep track of any login failures and may help you spot attempts by another user to fraudulently use your account. 

    • My SSO Apps By # of Logins – In EmpowerID, SSO Apps are Web applications that require you to authenticate but do not support federated SSO (single sign-on). In these cases, EmpowerID provides the ability for you to SSO into those applications through its browser extension. If you have accounts that EmpowerID knows about in these types of applications, your login activity to those applications (from EmpowerID) appears here. 

    • My Direct Reports Logins – If you manage other users, you can view information about their login activity here.

Beyond your personal dashboard, you should see a number of elements common to each page. These elements are as follows:

  • Navbar – The bar is how you move through the pages of the EmpowerID application. The number of pages available to you differs according to the amount of access your organization has given you.

  • Language and Profile Menu Items – These allow you to set your personal language preference, view and edit aspects of your profile, change your password, and log out of EmpowerID.



  • Global Search Control – This control contains two elements: a filter and a text field. The filter allows you to limit searches to particular resource types, such as people or shared folders. The text field provides a place to input the specific resource you are looking for. For example, if you want to search for a person named "Fritz Dame, “ select Person from the filter and then enter Fritz Dame in the text field. If your organization has a person named "Fritz Dame," and you can view that person, you will see a corresponding tile. Clicking the tile takes you to a page where you can view information about the person.


After logging in, what can I do?

As a default user of EmpowerID, your organization has allowed you to do a few things. These are as follows:

The below capabilities represent the default given to standard users. Depending on your role within your organization, you may be able to see and do more or less.

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