Remove Your Access to Resources

If you have access to resources no longer needed, such as belonging to a group or a Management Role that is not relevant to you, you can request to remove that access in the IT Shop. To do so, you select the appropriate resource type, search for the specific instance of the resource and submit a request to revoke access. For example, if you belong to an Application Role (group) named “Documentation and Training” and wish to remove your membership, you select Application Roles as the resource type, search for the Documentation and Training group and revoke access to that group.

Submit a request to remove your access

  1. Navigate to the IT Shop portal for your organization and log in.

  2. In the IT Shop, select the appropriate resource type for the resource you want to remove your access from. For example, if you want to remove your membership in a specific Application Role (group), select Application Roles.

  3. Select the Manage Access tab. You should see the resources you have for that resource type.

  4. Click Revoke for the specific resource you no longer need access to.


  5. Click Yes to confirm you want to remove the resource.

    This adds the revoke request to the cart.


  6. Click the cart icon to open the cart dialog.

  7. In the cart dialog, enter the following information:

    • Enter Business Request Name – Enter a name that helps identify your request, such as “Remove Membership from <Group Name> for <Your Name>.”

    • Add a Comment – Enter an optional comment concerning the request.

  8. When ready, click Submit.