EmpowerID Operator Certification
Certification Detail
Operator Certification is an opportunity to demonstrate your proficiency in EmpowerID basic concepts and
your ability to navigate/configure from EmpowerID web UI. The exam is designed as an onboarding process for all employers who have just beginning to work with EmpowerID and are new to the EmpowerID system.
The EmpowerID Operator certification can serve as a foundation for pursuing other EmpowerID certifications, as the Admin certification and is will be a prerequisite for most of them.
Skills Required
Candidates should be familiar with general technology concepts that form the foundation of IAM.
Modules in this learning path
Module 1: Introduction to EmpowerID IGA Core Modules
What is EmpowerID? - What is EmpowerID?
Licensed Modules
EmpowerID Concepts
Person Versus Account
Resources and Resource Systems
Account Stores and Security Boundaries
Applications Versus Account Stores
Groups and Membership
Live Actions Versus Background Processes
Identity Concepts Exercise
System Architecture - System Architecture
Reference Architecture
Containers and Microservices
On-Premise Components
Cloud Gateway
Server Roles and Jobs
Permanent Workflows
UI Page Structure and Terminology
Noun Verb Action Navigation
Connecting to External Systems - Connecting to External Systems
Connector Concepts
Connector Model
Scheduled Connector Jobs
Schema Management
Attribute Flow
SCIM Microservice Connector
Up Stream Systems
Code-Free Flat File
Universal Connector
Key Downstream Systems
Active Directory
Azure Active Directory
Connecting to External Systems Exercise
EmpowerID Lab and basic navigation of the web UI:
The URL of the EmpoerID lab is "https://demo1.empowerid.net "
A user "sharedadmin" is setup with the standard password: Doheniofv088n&!
This user is an all access/SaaS admin person.
Trainee should log in with this person.
Trainee should setup their own person personal person objects.
Trainee should assign to their own account 'management roleā: IAM Shop, My Tasks, and My Identity Self-Service Full Access, ACT-Person-Reviewer-DirectReports, ACT
Person-CanUseInAssignments-All, as the scenario below:
Trainee logs into the provided EmpowerID Lab with their own account and reset the password
Trainee becomes familiar with the basic navigation of the web UI
EmpowerID brief Presentation covering all topics learned
Trainee delivers a Presentation to the Evaluator covering all topics learned [30 minutes]
Verbal assessment
Present a 30-45 minute presentation to the training evaluator that covers the topics from the online IGA core training.Ā
Attach the presentation to assigned task.
Module 2: Other EmpowerID IGA Core Modules & Operator Certification Test
Role Basics - Role Basics
Sources of Business Roles and Organizational Locations
Business Roles and Locations
External Roles and Locations
Key RBAC Actors
Access Levels (RBAC)
Management Roles
Query-Based Collections
Role Basics Exercise
Identity Lifecycle- Identity Lifecycle
Role and Location Mapping
Dynamically Generating External Roles and Locations
Role and Location Mapper
Role and Location Compiler
Joiner Process
Account Inbox
Birthright Access
Entitlements (Provisioning)
Membership and Permissions
Attribute Policies
Dynamic Hierarchy Policies
Mover Process
Leaver Process
Planned Leaver
Emergency Termination
On-Site EmpowerID Admin Training Sessions Recordings to go through - EmpowerID Admin Training - Munich 2023
Take and pass the Operator Certification written exam
Take and pass the Operator Certification written exam, There are three attempts per each participants, and the time limit on each attempt is 90 minutes.
There will be 40 questions, and the structure will be:
questions to choose the right answer/answers,
filling the blank questions,
true/false questions.
The following link is taking you to your test, asking for your name & email address:
There are three attempts:
To pass there should be 80% correct answers:
Link of the textCreate online tests
Module 3: Preparation for the Operator Final Lab Configurations
Q&A as preparation for the Operator final lab configuration - more details in this meeting: https://empoweridm-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/moataz_farid_empowerid_com/Ea6ulRMOcLhGsp9Io6RQtB8B8IQUCJQ6VQHupSICi6zLKw?e=PvwkAe&nav=eyJyZWZlcnJhbEluZm8iOnsicmVmZXJyYWxBcHAiOiJTdHJlYW1XZWJBcHAiLCJyZWZlcnJhbFZpZXciOiJTaGFyZURpYWxvZy1MaW5rIiwicmVmZXJyYWxBcHBQbGF0Zm9ybSI6IldlYiIsInJlZmVycmFsTW9kZSI6InZpZXcifX0%3D
Completion the Certified Operator final lab configuration and submition for review:
the lab configurations document: https://empoweridm.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/TrainingV2/Shared%20Documents/General/Operator%20Certification/EmpowerID%20Operators%20Certification%20Lab.docx?d=w1bc16304a64f4896bb33120122b4b7e3&csf=1&web=1&e=XqayGi
Lab access details:
Operator.empoweriam.com https://operator.empoweriam.com/ui/#Common/Dashboards is the internal lab set up for the training which you need to access it via your workstation locally. You have to log in as EmpowerIDAdmin with the standard password and then setup an all access Identity for yourself
Username: Ā empoweridadmin
Password: Ā p@$$w0rd
Pub;lic lab access: EmpowerID
Username: Ā empoweridadmin
Password: Ā p@$$w0rd