Business Roles and Locations
In EmpowerID, a Business Role is a user-defined hierarchical container for grouping EmpowerID Person objects that can be used to delegate access to resources based on a particular job function; in its simplest form, an EmpowerID Location is a container for holding resources. These two objects combine in EmpowerID to determine a collection of people based on their job function and location within an organization.
Keys to Business Roles and Locations
Business Roles are the top tier in the EmpowerID 3-tiered RBAC model. |
EmpowerID’s unique approach to Business Roles solves RBAC's fundamental weakness, known as the “role explosion” problem. Organizations often end up with large numbers of roles to accommodate people performing the same job function within an organization but in different geographies or areas of the company. To accommodate the slight differences between “organizational locations” for a position, they are forced to create and manage many very similar Business Roles. This role duplication is known as “role explosion.” Often organizations with an inflexible RBAC system will end up managing thousands of roles and be forced to build roles for each simple access case. Simple Example of the Role Explosion Challenge
To solve the role explosion challenge, EmpowerID provides a unique two-trees or “polyarchical” RBAC approach. The top tier or Business Role tier describes a user’s position in the organization in combination with a hierarchical Organizational Location representing where within the organization or in which context the user performs their Business Role. This position is visualized as two trees with people assigned to one or more Business Roles combined with an Organizational Location. A person’s Business Roles bundles up direct technical entitlements and, more commonly, Task or Activity-Based roles. Screenshot of the people assigned to Business Roles and Locations Combining Business Roles and Locations in Delegations
Business Roles vs. Other RBAC Actors
Benefits of Business Roles and Locations:
Design Strategies and ConsiderationsWhen designing your business role and location structure there are a few key questions that you should ask yourself:
General Tips and Advice
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