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The Email Flow Item within No Code Flows offers an automated solution for sending emails, seamlessly integrating email communication into various processes without manual intervention. Its purpose is to facilitate customized notifications based on specific conditions within workflows. For instance, in the scenario of an employee leaving a particular organizational zone, the regional administrator should receive a notification, whereas in other cases, the global administrator should be notified. This flexibility allows users to tailor email notifications to suit their unique requirements by configuring the flow item to match specific conditions.

The effectiveness of the Email Flow Item relies on providing the correct parameters within the workflow fulfillment JSON. This JSON configuration enables users to customize email templates, specify recipient addresses, and define conditions for email delivery.


This guide will walk you through the process of creating a Send Email Flow Item. However, it's important to note that this guide assumes familiarity with flow items and definitions. This means that descriptions of inputs are not provided, and the steps outlined here are specific to the context of creating a Send Email Flow Item. For more detailed information, please refer to the following pages:

Additionally, since the send email flow sends an email, you must have already created an email template in EmpowerID. Please refer to the email template page for more details.

Localizing Emails

Step 1: Create Send Email Flow Item

  1. On the navbar, expand Low Code and click No Code Workflows.

  2. To create a flow item, click on the Flow Items tab and click the Add (plus) ​ icon.


  3. Fill in the necessary details for the new flow item, including a name and any other relevant information. Make sure to select the Item Type Action, which has an item type and fulfillment workflow specifically designed for sending emails. Once all details are entered, click the Save button to create the flow item.


After creating the flow item, the next step is to add it to a flow definition. Follow the instructions below to proceed.

Step 2: Create Flow Definition & Add Flow Item

  1. Click on the Flow Definitions tab and click the Add (plus) icon to proceed with creating a flow definition.


  2. Provide the required information and Click Save to save the flow definition.


  3. To access the View One page, click on the link to the newly created flow definition.


  4. Find the Flow Items and Sequence tab and click on the add (plus) icon to add a new flow item to the sequence. “


  5. To configure the send email flow item, you need to provide the necessary values and click on Save. The most important input is the fulfillment JSON, which contains parameters that customize the behavior of how the email will be sent. For it to work correctly, your parameters should consist of supported parameters or keywords.


  6. After saving the flow definition, it will appear in the list of flow items and sequences.


If you have followed all the steps in the walkthroughs provided for this section, you have successfully set up a Send Email Flow Item. When the No Code Flow is executed, the flow item will send an email according to the parameters you have configured. Please refer to the section below for supported parameters that you can use in the JSON.

Supported Parameters

When configuring the Send Email Flow Item in your workflow, you can utilize the following parameters within the Fulfillment WF JSON and the email template.

Workflow Parameters & Fulfillment JSON Sample

The fulfillment workflow supports various workflow parameters. These parameters enable you to customize your emails by specifying the recipients and the email template to be used.



Is an Optional Parameter?


Specifies the name of the email template to be used to send the email. Ensure that you have created the template beforehand and configured all necessary information within it.



Specifies the email address to which the notification email will be sent.



When set to true, the email will not be sent to the target person (i.e. Business Request Item's target resource id) for whom the workflow is executed. For instance, if the workflow is executed for a leaver , setting this parameter to true will prevent the email from being sent to that leaver.

This optional parameter is typically set to true when we want to send the email to management role members instead of the target person by specifying the ManagementRoleIDToNotify parameter.



Specify the GUID of a management role to send the email. The email will be sent to all members within the management role.

As mentioned previously, if the ManagementRoleIDToNotify parameter is specified, the earlier parameter DoNotSendEmailToTargetPerson must be set to false. This is to ensure that the email is sent to all members in a management role, and not the target person.


Fulfillment WF JSON Samples

The most basic form of a fulfillment WF JSON sample would only include the email template name, as all other parameters are optional. Please make sure to replace the parameter values with valid ones.

Code Block
    "EmailTemplateName": "MyEmailTemplateName"

Below is an example of a JSON with multiple parameters. In this example, the ManagementRoleIDToNotify parameter is specified, and the DoNotSendEmailToTargetPerson parameter is set to false. This means that the email will be sent to all persons specified by the GUID of the management role. Please make sure to replace the parameter values with valid ones.

Code Block
    "EmailTemplateName": "Test_Joiner_WelcomeEmail",
    "DoNotSendEmailToTargetPerson": "false",
    "ManagementRoleIDToNotify": "064f430e-49e5-4568-94ad-7aecd702bd79"

Email Parameters & Email Template Sample

When you create an email template for a Send Email Flow Item, you have the option to use specific object parameters and convert them into wildcards. These objects are predefined, and their respective properties will be populated by the workflow after you pass the objects. For instance, once you pass the TargetPerson Object, you can use {TargetPerson.FirstName} to insert the first name of the target person in the email template. The workflow for this flow item supports only certain objects listed below.





Please provide the Person object to pass into the email template and use it with wildcardsThis parameter refers to the Target Person object.



Please provide the Target Account object to pass into the email template and use it with wildcardsThis parameter refers to the TargetAccount object.



Specify the Person's manager object for whom the No Code Flow will be executedThis parameter refers to the manager of the target person.



This parameter refers to the specific business request or task object associated with the No Code Flow.



This parameter refers to the specific business request item object within the business request task associated with the No Code Flow.


Email Template Samples

Below is an email template that makes use of the TargetAccount object, which is created for the onboarding person. As seen in the template, it is possible to use the properties like {TargetAccount.FriendlyName} and {TargetAccount.ExpectedHireDate} to customize the email content. Additionally, it is also possible to use custom attributes of the objects in the template.

Code Block
Dear {TargetAccount.FriendlyName},

I hope this email finds you well. Please find your onboarding details.
Onboarding Details:
    Employee Type: {TargetAccount.EmployeeType}
    Hire Date: {TargetAccount.ExpectedHireDate}
    Full Name: {TargetAccount.FriendlyName}
    Preferred First Name: {TargetAccount.PreferredFirstName}
    Email: {TargetAccount.Email}
    Office Location: {TargetAccount.OfficeLocation}
    Department: {TargetAccount.Department}
    Country: {TargetAccount.Country}
    SNID: {TargetAccount.CustomAttribute10}

Your assigned email address, {TargetAccount.Email}, has been set up and activated. 

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