EmpowerID provides a central location called the "IT Shop" from which you can request access to any IT resources your organization makes available to you. To request access you go to the IT Shop, shop for the resources you want, add them to your shopping cart and check out. When you check out, EmpowerID notifies each person with the ability to approve your request. Depending on their response, access to the requested resources is either granted or denied.
The topics in this section help you get started with shopping for resources in the IT Shop and show you how to view the status of your requests in the My Tasks application. In addition, if you are a resource owner or other person delegated the ability to manage access, these topics show you how to respond to the requests of others, as well as how to manage the access others have to your resources.
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Getting Started
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EmpowerID offers a microservice called MyIdentity that acts as a central hub for users to access and manage their personal information, assign approval delegations for business requests they're authorized to approve, and customize their email notification preferences in terms of quantity and frequency.
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View Your Request Status |
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Cancel Pending requests |
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Respond to Business Requests |
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Responding to Email Requests |
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