Manually Remove Accounts from Groups

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Manually Remove Accounts from Groups

If an account no longer meets the criteria for membership in a group and you do not have a policy in place to remove the account dynamically, you can do so manually. When you do so, any entitlements and delegations they received from by virtue of the group membership will be removed from the account. For example, if you have a group with an Exchange Mailbox Provisioning Policies that specifies the mailbox be deprovisioned when a member is no longer a member, removed users will lose their mailboxes.

Manually remove an account from a group

  1. On the navbar, expand Identity Administration and select Groups.

  2. Search for the group to which you want to add user accounts and then click the Logon Name link for the group.

    This directs your browser to the View One page for the group. View One pages for groups allow to view and manage the groups to which they correspond.


  3. On the View One page for the group, expand the Group Members accordion.

  4. In the second search field, enter the name of the user account you want to remove from group membership and press ENTER to load the grid.

  5. Check the box for the user account record in the grid to select it.


  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each user account you want to remove from the group.

  7. When ready, click Submit to commit your changes.

Before submitting your changes, you can remove one or more user accounts from the cart by clicking the Removed icon and then clicking the Remove button beside the accounts you want to remove, as shown in the below image.

Deleting a potential member removal operation from a group

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