Restore Deleted Groups

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Restore Deleted Groups

Groups previously deleted in EmpowerID can be restored in EmpowerID. If the group had members when deleted, those members will be added back to the group during restoration.

Restore deleted groups

  1. On the navbar, expand Identity Administration and select Groups.

  2. Select the Deleted Groups tab and the select the Restore Deleted Groups action.


  3. Search for the deleted group you want to restore and then check the box for the group record to select it.


  4. Repeat Step 3 for each deleted group you want to restore.

  5. When ready to commit your changes, click SUBMIT.

  6. Click YES to confirm you want to restore the selected group(s); otherwise, click NO.

  7. Click OK to close the Operation Execution Summary.


Before submitting your changes, you can remove one or more groups from the cart by clicking the Added icon and then clicking the Remove button beside the group(s) you want to remove, as shown in the below image.

 Removing potential Restoration of Deleted Groups before submitting the workflow

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