About the View One Management Role Page

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About the View One Management Role Page

Each resource object that EmpowerID protects has a View One page associated with it. For Management Roles, this page is the “View One Management Role Page.” This page contains tabs and accordions that provide information about a specific Management Role and gives administrators and other authorized users the ability to manage the role in EmpowerID. The below image shows what a typical View One Management Role Page looks like to a user with admin access to the role.


Tabs and Accordions on the View One Management Role Page

The View One Management Role Page contains a number of tabs and accordions that provide information about the specific group being viewed, and access to workflows for managing that group.

The General tab allows users to view general information about a role and manage aspects of that role as needed. The tab several accordions that provide authorized users access to information about the role as well as workflows for managing aspects of the role.


Components of the General tab include the following:





General Card

Displays general information about the group, such as the group type and the account store to which the group belongs.

People as Members of Management Role Accordion

Displays role members, as well as provides access to edit role membership as needed

Actions Accordion

Displays a list of workflow tiles that can be used to perform common actions against the Management Role, such as cloning or deleting it

Editable Multivalued Fields Accordion

Displays miscellaneous information about the role, such as the search tags linked to it

Additional Information Accordion

Provides access to additional information about the role, such as “Who Has Access to this Management Role”, etc.


The Advanced tab provides access to various subtabs and cards with additional information about the Management Role than is displayed on the General tab.


Components of the Advanced tab include the following:





General Card

Displays general information about the Management Role, such as its parent Management Role Definition and the Access Request Policy used to control access requests to the role.

Advanced Card

Displays more advanced information about the Management Role, such as the Management Role GUID and risk score for the role

Extension Attributes 1-10 Card

Displays extension attributes 1-10 stored in the database for the Management Role, if any

Extension Attributes 11-20 Card

Displays extension attributes 11-20 stored in the database for the Management Role, if any

Members Tab

Contains several accordions with categorized role membership information


Access Granted Tab

Displays current access by category for the Management Role

Risks Tab

Displays risk-related information for the Management Role, such as any local functions granted to the role

Policies Tab

Displays policy-related information for the Management Role, such as any inherited resource entitlements granted to the role

Eligibility Tab

Displays eligibility-related information for the Management Role, such as “Resources Members Eligible to Request (As Resources)”


The Optimize tab provides quick access to visual dashboards of information related to Management Role memberships, including least privilege and risks stats, as well as allows users with the appropriate access to manage aspects of the Management Role as needed.


Components of the Optimize tab include the following:





Membership Dashboard

Displays quick view of the number of members in the Management Role, including JIT versus permanent members

Functional Access Card

Displays any local functions the Management Role has, and the risk level associated with those functions

People as Members of Management Role Accordion

Displays role members, as well as provides access to manage role membership as needed

Pre-Approved Just-in-Time Members Accordion

Displays assignees who are pre-approved for role membership. Pre-approved assignees are automatically granted membership when requesting it from the IT Shop. Authorized users can add and remove pre-approved assignees to and from the role via this accordion.

Direct Mapped Local Functions Accordion

Displays all local functions mapped directly to the Management Role and gives authorized users the ability to manage the functions mapped to the role

Function Access Report Accordion

Displays information about any functions the Management Role has access to, including direct and indirect function access

Violations Accordion

Displays violations of organizational risk policies for the Management Role, if any

Rules Accordion

Displays Risk rules associated with the Management Role, if any

Recertification Items Accordion

Displays recertification items for the Management Role, if any

Actions Accordion

Displays a list of workflow tiles that can be used to perform common actions against the Management Role, such as cloning the Management Role



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