Edit Person Attributes

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Edit Person Attributes

Delegated users can edit the attributes of any person from Identity Manager. If the person being edited has user accounts in Active Directory and other connected account stores where attribute sync is enabled, EmpowerID pushes those edits to each external directory account owned by that person.

Edit person attributes

  1. Navigate to the View or View One page for the person with attributes you want to edit. EmpowerID provides two main ways to do this. You can navigate to the page by searching for the person using the Global search bar at the top of the page (quickest), or you can navigate to the page by searching for the person using the Find Person page.

  2. On the View or View One page, click the Edit link for the person.


  3. On the Edit page for the person, locate the attribute you want to edit. In our example, we are editing the Title attribute, which is located on the Organization tab.


  4. Enter the new value(s) in the selected attribute field(s). and click Save.

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