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Editing Group Attributes

As a group owner, you may need to update the attributes of your group from time to time. When this is the case, you can do this via the Manage Group Wizard in Resource Admin.

Attributes you can edit include the following:

  • Description

  • Notes

  • Extension Attributes 1 - 15

  • Prevent Deletion in EmpowerID


  1. Log in to Resource Admin.

  2. Select Groups from the Resource Type menu and search for the group you want to update.

  3. Click the gear icon on the group record and select Manage Group Wizard.


  4. Under Select Options, select Edit group attributes.


  5. Click Next.
    You should see an Edit Group form.


  6. Locate the field(s) for the attribute you want to edit and enter the updated value(s). In the below example, we are editing the Notes field.


  7. Click Next.
    After the wizard completes the request, you should receive an Operation Execution Summary message stating the request was executed successfully.


  8. Click Submit to close the summary message.

  9. Select whether you want to manage another group now. In this case, we are selecting No to exit the wizard.

    Selecting No directs you to the Workflows page, where you can initiate group-related workflows that you have to run.