Permanent Workflows

Permanent Workflows

A permanent workflow is a continuously running workflow that operates regularly according to business needs or requirements. In EmpowerID, a permanent workflow can only run on one worker role container (server) at a time, and only one instance of the permanent workflow can be active simultaneously. EmpowerID comes with several pre-configured permanent workflows, and you can also create new ones in Workflow Studio as needed.

Accessing Permanent Workflows

EmpowerID uses default settings for each workflow if no specific configuration is applied. These default settings can be found on each workflow's View One page. To access the View One page for a permanent workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Find Permanent Workflows page:

    • Expand Infrastructure Admin in the main menu.

    • Go to EmpowerID Servers and Settings.

    • Select Permanent Workflows from the navbar.

  2. On the Find Permanent Workflows page, click the Display Name link of the workflow you want to view. This will take you to the View One page for that specific permanent workflow.

For example, to view the View One page for the Person Expiration Notification permanent workflow, you would locate and click its Display Name link on the Find Permanent Workflows page.

This page provides detailed information about the workflow's default settings and any custom configurations applied.



Key Points

Permanent workflows are managed by the Permanent Workflow Job

Permanent Workflow Job

At least one server must be running this role for any permanent workflow to function.

Find Page for Permanent Workflows

Each permanent workflow can be enabled/disabled and configured individually.

Permanent Workflow Configuration Page

Key Takeaways:

  1. A permanent workflow needs to run continuously on a consistent schedule.

  2. A permanent workflow can only run on one worker role container (server) at a time.

  3. New permanent workflows can be created in Workflow Studio.


Creating Permanent Workflows



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