Enable Computers

Enable Computers

EmpowerID allows you to manage the computer objects in your connected directories. This topic demonstrates how to enable disabled computer accounts.

The EmpowerID workflow used to disable computer accounts is the EnableComputer workflow. To run the workflow, users need to have the Initiator Access Level for it.

Enable computers

  1. On the navbar, expand Privileged Access and select Computers.

  2. Click the Enable Computers in Bulk action link.


  3. Search for the disabled computer(s) you want to enable and check the box for each computer.


  4. Click Submit and then click OK to close the Operation Execution Summary.

To verify that the computer is enabled

  1. On a server with the Active Directory PowerShell Module, run the below PowerShell cmdlet. Replace the name of the computer in the below example with the name of the computer you disabled.

    Get-ADComputer -Filter { Name -eq 'BK-Devdomain1-20' AND Enabled -eq $true }


  2. You should see that the computer is enabled.

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