Configure Custom Decisions for Business Requests

Configure Custom Decisions for Business Requests

Each Recertification Policy has a predefined decision for access recertification, which the auditor can easily select via the Business Requests. We have already covered the topic earlier of how to Provide Business Request Decisions; There might be scenarios where the default decisions provided in EmpowerID are inadequate, and you want more options.

The instructions in the document are about adding additional decisions for business requests for rectification purposes. By custom decesions, we mean any decision that is not Shipped with the EmpowerID product. Follow the instruction only if the default decisions provided in the product are inadequate and you want more options.

Business requests, Steps, and Decisions generated for recertification use the regular Approval Flow Engine in EmpowerID. To add and modify how business requests are processed in the recertification, follow the same docs  Approval Engine.

  1. Log in to the EmpowerID web application.

  2. Navigate to IAM Shop → Approval Flow Policies.

  3. On the Approval Flow Policies page, select the Item Type Actions tab.

  4. Type the name of the Item Type Action, and click search. Click on the Localized Friendly Name to open the details page. In the image below, we are searching for Recertify Person Validity.


  5. On the details page, scroll down to select Decisions for Approval Flow Steps. You can see the default approval flow steps configured for the policy with the appropriate fulfillment workflow that executes when the particular approval decision is taken as
    Certify - no fulfillment workflow is needed.
    Delete - Person validity delete fulfillment workflow is started.
    Disable - Person validity disable fulfillment workflow is started.


  6. Click on the + icon to add more approval decisions if needed.

  7. Configure the necessary step and click on save to add a new decision to the recertification policy.

    1. Approval: Choose the step for approval.

    2. Approval Decision: Choose the appropriate decision to show in the step.

    3. Fulfillment Workflow: Select the workflow that should be executed when the decision is taken.



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