Configure one-time password delivery types

Configure one-time password delivery types

EmpowerID supports a variety of one-time password delivery methods, also known as Multi-Factor Communication options or Communication Types, which users can choose for receiving verification codes during multi-factor authentication. These communication options include email, SMS, and voice call. Users can select their preferred multi-factor communication option to receive the code when they enroll and subsequently utilize a multi-factor authentication method that requires verification codes. Initially, users choose one option but can add other supported options to their profile pages later. As an administrator, you can configure the available communication types by disabling those your organization does not support.

For SMS and voice call functionality, your organization must have an integrated Twilio account with EmpowerID. For information on integrating Twilio with EmpowerID, please refer to Integrating Twilio.

Configure one-time password delivery types

  1. Expand Single Sign-On > SSO Connections on the navbar and click Communication Types.

    Each type is enabled by default.


  2. Click the Edit button for any Communication Type you want to disable. Edit buttons have the Pencil icon.

  3. To disable an option, deselect Enabled and then click Save.

If you disable a communication type after users have selected that type as their preferred method for delivery of verification codes, users must update their multi-factor communication options to reflect your policy. When updating options, users only see the options you have enabled.

Silent Errors with Twilio

You will see silent errors in the event log under the following scenarios:

  • The phone number field requires a country code and errors silently if one is not provided.

  • If the phone number is invalid the page fails silently.

  • If a person does not have a phone number, the page shows successful when it is not.


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