Integrate Twilio

Integrate Twilio

Twilio lets you use SMS and voice delivery of One-Time Passwords for password resets and Multi-Factor Authentication. If you have a Twilio account with one or more programmable phone numbers, you can integrate it with EmpowerID. To do so, you create a new Twilio OAuth Service Provider application in EmpowerID with the Account SID, Auth Token, and phone number associated with the Twilio account.


  • Your organization must have a Twilio account with at least one programmable phone number that can be used for receiving SMS and phone calls.

  • If there are multiple Twilio numbers that you want to use, create a separate application for each.

  • Password recipients must have a valid cell phone number.

Integrate Twilio

  1. On the navbar, expand Single Sign-On > SSO Connections, and select OAuth / OpenID Connect.

  2. Select the External OAuth Services tab, search for Twilio, and click the Provider link.

    Clicking on the link opens the External OAuth Provider Details page for Twilio. In the below image, the General panel is collapsed.


  3. From the grid, click the Edit button for the Twilio provider.


  4. Under General Settings, enter the following information and then click Save.





Consumer Key

Account SID for your Twilio account

Consumer Secret

Auth Token for your Twilio account

Sender Identifier

Twilio phone number for your Twilio account


Silent Errors with Twilio

There are silent errors in the event log in three scenarios:

  • *The phone number field requires a country code and errors silently if one is not provided.

  • If the phone number is invalid, the page fails silently.

  • If a person does not have a phone number, the page shows successful when it is not.

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