Subscribe Users to EmpowerID Alerts

Subscribe Users to EmpowerID Alerts

EmpowerID sends alerts via email to all users belonging to the Management Roles specified for those alerts. These roles include the following:

Management Role


Management Role


AD Account Locked Out Notifications

Allows people with locked out accounts to receive notifications when EmpowerID detects a lock out.

Group Membership Change Alerts

Allows admin users to receive notifications of group membership changes.

Group Owner Notifications

Allows group owners to receive notifications of group membership changes.

Person Enrolled Notifications

Allows people to receive notifications when they enroll for Password Self-Service Reset.

Person Password Changed Notifications

Allows people to receive notifications when their password is changed.

Please refer to the Notifications and Emails for an overview of Notification Policies and Preferences.

To make the changes outlined in this article you need to have the SaaS Admin Management Role.

Subscribe users to EmpowerID Alerts

  1. On the navbar, expand Role Management and select Management Roles.

  2. Select the All Roles tab and search for the role that receives the alerts to which you want to subscribe to one or more users. For example, if you want to assign users to the Group Owner Notifications, search for GroupOwner.

  3. Click the Management Role link for the role.

    This directs you to the View One page for the Management Role. View One pages allow you to view and manage the objects to which they pertain.


  4. On the View One page for the role, expand the People as Members of Management Role accordion.

  5. Enter the name of the person you want to add to the role in the left search field and then click the tile for that person.


  6. Repeat step 5 for each additional person you want to add to the role.

  7. When ready, click Submit to commit your changes.

Configure Threshold for Sending Job Failure Alert Notifications

  1. On the navbar, expand Infrastructure Admin > EmpowerID Servers and Settings and click EmpowerID System Settings.

  2. On the EmpowerID System Settings page, search for JobFailureNotificationThresholdIntervalInMinutes.

  3. Click the Edit icon for the setting.


  4. In the Value field, enter the desired number of minutes between notifications.


  5. Save your changes.


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