Managing the Display of the Support Navbar Item

Managing the Display of the Support Navbar Item

The EmpowerID user interface includes a Support item at the bottom of the navbar. This item, a subcomponent of the EmpowerID Base application, displays support contact information, such as phone numbers and email addresses, enabling end-users to reach out for assistance. If necessary, you can hide this item from appearing in the navbar by removing access to the component from any associated Management Role Definitions. Follow the steps below to perform this task.

Procedure: Removing Access to the Support Navbar Item

  1. Navigate to Applications

    • On the navbar, expand Apps and Authentication and select Applications.

  2. Locate the Support Navbar Resource

    • Select the App Resources tab and then search for NavbarSupport.



  3. Access the Resource Details

    • Click the Display Name link for the resource record.


      This directs you to the View One page for the control. EmpowerID's View One pages allow you to view and manage the details of corresponding objects.



  4. Review Current Access Assignments

    • On the View One page, expand the Who Has Access To Control accordion.




    • In the To Which Type of Actor Do You Wish To Assign Access? dropdown, select Management Role Definition.



  5. Identify and Remove Access Assignments

    • Review the listed Management Role Definitions that have access to the control. You should see it assigned to UI-Person-Object-Administration and UI-Person-JML.



    • To remove access, click the Delete (trash can) button for each assignment record.


      This action ensures that individuals assigned to Management Roles derived from these definitions will no longer see the Support section in the navbar.

Expected Results

Once the system processes your changes:

  • Users who previously had access to the Support section in the navbar will no longer see it.

  • The Support item will be hidden for any users associated with the affected Management Roles.

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