About the IAM Shop
Phillip Hanegan
EmpowerID's IAM Shop is a powerful, centralized application that enables users to request access to the IT resources necessary to perform their job functions. The application's intuitive user interface allows users to view their current access and request additional resources with ease. Requests are submitted by adding desired items to the shopping cart, allowing users to initiate their own access requests for quicker fulfillment. To reduce frustration and ensure a positive user experience, the cart content is preserved even if the user navigates away from the IAM Shop.
The following illustration shows the general flow of users shopping for resources in the IAM Shop.
Navigating the IAM Shop
With access to the IAM Shop, users can request roles and other resources provided by the organization. As detailed in the below table, the IAM Shop application features various controls to accommodate users' needs. Please note that not all users will see all controls, as it depends on their access to the IAM Shop.
Control | Description |
Control | Description |
Navigation Sidebar | Allows users to navigate from the IAM Shop to other EmpowerID applications |
Resource Panel | Provides a grid or card view of the resources the user can request. Each record can be clicked to open a pane containing an Overview of the request and a Process Steps view from which users can see how far along the approval process the request is. Users can view and add comments here as well. |
Shopping Cart | The shopping cart contains requested business items the user has requested but not yet submitted. Users who are shopping for themselves and others will see multiple shopping carts, one containing their items and the others containing items requested for others. |
Manage Access Page | The Manage Access page provides users with views of their current access, filtered by the selected resource type (Management Roles in the below image). Users caccess this page by selecting Manage Access. Once on the page, they can submit requests to revoke their access to a given resource item by clicking the Revoke button.
Workflows Page | Provides a list of workflows the current user can initiate against the selected resource type. The below image shows workflows that can be initiated against groups. Users must have access to the page and the right to initiate the workflows to see them in the IAM Shop. |
Filter Pane | Provides filters to allow users to selectively filter the resources they see. |
Filters | |
Resource Type | Filter available resources by resource type. Available resource types include:
Shopping For | Shop for yourself or another person. |
Show Only Pre-Approved | Filter to show only resources user is pre-approved to receive via Eligibility policies. This filter appears only when shopping for groups, Business Roles, Management Roles, and computers. |
Suggest Additional Resources | Filter to show additional resources suggested for the user via Eligibility policies. This filter appears only when shopping for groups, Business Roles, and Management Roles. |
Target System | Filters available Application Roles based on the selected Account Store Type and/or Account Store.
Applications | Filter to show only the groups or roles that can be requested for a specific application. This filter appears only when shopping for groups, Business Roles, and Management Roles. |
Business Domains | Filter available roles by Business Domain. This filter appears only when shopping for Business Roles and Management Roles. |
Business Functions | Filter available groups and roles by Business Functions. This filter appears only when shopping for groups, Business Roles, and Management Roles.
Rights | Filter available roles by external system rights granted to those roles. This filter appears only when shopping for groups, Business Roles, and Management Roles. |
Application Processes | Filters available groups based on the selected process. This filter appears only when shopping for groups. |
Shop by Reference Person | Filters available resources to show only those given to the referenced person. This is useful for quickly requesting access to the same resources of the referenced person. The user shopping must be able to view the reference person and have the same eligibility to see that person’s resources. |
Advanced Search | Provides advanced search capabilities to further filter resources. |
The architecture of the IAM Shop Microservice
The IAM Shop microservice is a pre-built application that includes several protected subcomponents, which are the building blocks of the microservice. Each subcomponent comprises the individual pages and controls that users interact with to access the features of the IAM Shop. Each subcomponent essentially functions as an independent application, allowing its access to be modified for users via their Access Level assignments. This flexibility streamlines customization, enabling the addition and removal of subcomponents directly from EmpowerID's web interface.
The below table lists some common subcomponents configured with the default IAM Shop microservice in EmpowerID:
1 | Type | Display Name | Description | Application Resource GUID |
2 | Control | Azure License Pool Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter Azure licenses against a specific Azure license pool. | 829ac800-6fe9-4ce6-b2a1-f45d14518bbf |
3 | Control | Business Roles Advanced Search Control IT Shop | Control that lets users utilize Advanced Search when shopping for eligible Business Roles. | 24f98fbc-3e57-4965-a6fa-791569f59292 |
4 | Control | Local Sensitive Functions Grid Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see a list of local sensitive functions for a given application, Business Role or Management Role. | 0d069d60-4ff9-44f1-abf5-62860a3da140 |
5 | Control | Shared Folders Unc Path Control IT Shop
| Control that lets users filter shared folders they are eligible to request against a specific unc path. | 5894a2b2-6676-463e-b210-454811822773 |
6 | Control | Target System Control IT Shop
| Control that lets users filter the groups they are eligible to request against a specific account store type or account store. | 098dd81c-c109-449c-913e-56cd529b542a |
7 | Control | TCodes Grid Control IT Shop | Control that lets users view a list of transaction codes for a given application, Business Role or Management Role. | f0fe2ba3-3fd5-41b0-bb0a-f06ca0660384 |
8 | Control | Application Processes Control IT Shop
| Control that lets users search for groups against a specific application process | 45a073dc-dbd5-45b4-9823-c611fc5f9bec |
9 | Control | Application Roles Account Store Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the account store for groups. | 1b3e4579-cdd8-48e3-bd35-6c5f4aaf1e2d |
10 | Control | Application Roles Advanced Search Control IT Shop
| Control that lets users utilize the Advanced Search option for groups. | c53978dc-5966-4c8f-82c0-982dc60bffb7 |
11 | Control | Application Roles Applications Control IT Shop
| Control that lets users filter the groups they are eligible for based on group applications. | d4b00b50-8a8a-4691-b9be-a2b81c00013b |
12 | Control | Application Roles Business Functions Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the Business Functions filter on the Groups page. | 45c8f8ff-4abe-461c-bf66-c88a05c2cc02 |
13 | Control | Application Roles Granted Grid Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the list of groups granted. | f86f9c28-6f23-40d2-a8e1-62c4089f51ae |
14 | Control | Application Roles High Level Classification Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that users see the high level classification of a group. | 8be9e3b7-90fd-4e53-81e1-2a8bfe65677c |
15 | Control | Application Roles Name Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the name of a group. | e4d97e73-e271-4d98-8f14-6d757886c2ab |
16 | Control | Application Roles Owners Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the owners of a group. | 6d4dd9f8-9c47-4b85-a2be-dfe67ca659b6 |
17 | Control | Application Roles Resource System Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the resource system of a group. | f5f44c32-fa7d-4591-be83-31a7e9e6f04d |
18 | Control | Application Roles TCode Control IT Shop | Control that lets users search groups via TCode. | 29e9c44d-2ff8-4385-bb7c-2504059fc61f |
19 | Control | Applications Grid Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the list of applications. | 4a70f07f-ec3e-4a50-af6c-fa1b45fd5ae2 |
20 | Control | Azure Admin Roles Advanced Search Control IT Shop | Control that lets users utilize Advanced Search on Azure Admin Roles. | 31e84699-a30e-4e6b-b596-3c67f1768400 |
21 | Control | Azure Admin Roles Global Functions Control ITShop | Control that lets users filter Azure admin roles by global functions. | 799bc995-4970-4a61-b0f2-3ada6020c1e5 |
22 | Control | Azure Admin Roles Resource System Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the resource system of Azure admin roles. | 130ecb3a-7fde-4c52-a769-b56a27233854 |
23 | Control | Azure Admin Roles Role Group Type Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the role group type of Azure admin roles | fd7f9a7c-175b-489f-b06b-287e673b5b2a |
24 | Control | Azure Admin Roles Role Type Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the role type of Azure admin roles. | 47660631-8bc4-4724-9d51-948621dba14a |
25 | Control | Azure Admin Roles Role Types Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter Azure admin roles by role type. | 01bc26db-6559-4cc6-871b-32af41bde8de |
26 | Control | Azure Admin Roles Tenants Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter Azure admin roles by tenant. | 6fde230f-4dc0-4283-84ee-d773792f6382 |
27 | Control | Azure License Service Plans Section Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the Azure License Service Plans section in detail view | bbc41813-0c45-4cc6-a22e-6a68a4e712e4 |
28 | Control | Azure Licenses Advanced Search Control IT Shop | Control that lets users utilize the Advanced Search on Azure Licenses. | 08d72ac2-57aa-4d2c-9c5c-33e9e059033d |
29 | Control | Azure Licenses License Pool Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the license pool of the Azure licenses. | 029eb744-6c2f-407d-af43-e73e1c7be2b7 |
30 | Control | Azure Licenses Licensed Assignee Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the licensed assignee of the Azure licenses. | 4685637c-256a-45c3-842e-edf48cadcabb |
31 | Control | Azure Licenses Name Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the name of the Azure licenses. | f2604e7e-df64-4593-afd2-1ab5b078c062 |
32 | Control | Azure Licenses Price Per Unit Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the price per unit of the Azure licenses. | 195f56bb-0b91-47b9-be32-7fa6f61647b9 |
33 | Control | Azure Licenses Resource System Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the resource system of the Azure licenses. | 56e136ec-b75e-47aa-a8f4-fd57769ee9b5 |
34 | Control | Azure Licenses Tenant Subscription Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the tenant subscription of the Azure licenses. | a87f204b-69e8-4aba-9dbc-c439ec1d2d12 |
35 | Control | Azure Licenses Tenants Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter Azure licenses against a specific tenant. | d9515288-f659-411c-a160-154569f2dfe4 |
36 | Control | Azure Rbac Roles Global Functions Control ITShop | Control that lets users filter Azure RBAC roles by global functions. | 629eb9af-c796-4e73-a128-ad414549abe8 |
37 | Control | Azure Rbac Roles Role Types Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter Azure RBAC roles by role type. | 3d343ff8-cde9-4492-9100-0596f7519614 |
38 | Control | Azure Roles Applications Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter Azure roles based on applications. | ea57e24e-9067-40d5-a291-ac36a2ed6010 |
39 | Control | Azure Subscription Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter Azure licenses against a specific subscription. | e64ac2cf-2755-47f4-a016-40dc06bf6e14 |
40 | Control | Business Domains Control IT Shop | Control that lets users search for Business Roles against a specific business domain. | 82c21d02-1786-4650-9a5c-c844c4a98134 |
41 | Control | Business Functions Control IT Shop | Control that lets users search for Business Roles against a specific business function. | 7e811a70-057a-42df-bdfa-75bd022a4cce |
42 | Control | Business Roles Applications Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter Business Roles based on applications. | 6e0c8868-fdd7-4a78-95ab-66a568438513 |
43 | Control | Business Roles Business Functions Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the Business Functions filter on the Business Roles page. | 4b8dd0b4-8ad1-42c1-89e4-6976d1fb5afc |
44 | Control | Business Roles High Level Classification Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the High Level Classification attribute of Business Roles. | d66673a6-7786-4129-a06d-018c7c5534d4 |
45 | Control | Business Roles Name Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the Name attribute of Business Roles. | be83af20-7105-4608-88ef-076f21a84770 |
46 | Control | Business Roles Owners Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the Owners of Business Roles. | 9f0161e4-3727-48d7-a97a-90365816af76 |
47 | Control | Business Roles Parent Business Role Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the parent Business Role of Business Roles. | e6a72be9-afd5-4402-ac83-97118313630b |
48 | Control | Business Roles Role Approvers Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the Role Approvers of Business Roles. | 119b923a-08f5-464f-ab2c-9552286864eb |
49 | Control | Business Roles TCode Control IT Shop | Control that lets users search for Business Roles via TCode. | 588efa11-41da-4078-b8a1-be31f328f57f |
50 | Control | Cart Due Date Control IT Shop | Control that lets users set a due date for cart items. | da3bb867-42a5-4ef5-a38c-1d238fbbb493 |
51 | Control | Computer Operating System Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter computers by operating system. | 17e3fea4-881a-4a49-8e3f-7645ef062e52 |
52 | Control | ComputerCapability Control IT Shop | Control that let user filter computers based on capabilities. | a9853de6-c684-4cd4-9a82-1136cf682566 |
53 | Control | Computers Active Sessions Filter IT Shop | Control that lets users filter computers based on active sessions. | 7687d34c-eed8-4710-8560-1d3509f47f48 |
54 | Control | Computers Advanced Search Control IT Shop | Control that lets users utilize the Advanced Search to search for computers. | bcd6559d-c5b2-4974-b299-abd56cc91153 |
55 | Control | Computers Computer Control IT Shop
| Control that lets user filter Login Session History sessions based on computer | 90fdefea-a24d-45cd-905e-b956d156d96b |
56 | Control | Computers Environment Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter computers based on Environment. | d37b0c3a-23a8-4734-9a15-a5bc0ffc8b8d |
57 | Control | Computers Infrastructure IT Shop | Control to filter computers based on infrastructure | ce098d4d-2eee-47a0-93c2-aa1f4431abe8 |
58 | Control | Computers Instance Type Control IT Shop | Control that lets users utilize the Instance Type on Computers | dd64f58a-0be4-4613-9b05-065572d666ff |
59 | Control | Computers Login Session History Computers Filter IT Shop | Control that lets users filter computers with a login session history | 32340daf-d605-4d97-b9d8-ff86a1c0a7b4 |
60 | Control | Computers PSM Sessions Recordings Page IT Shop | Control that lets users view recording or monitor live PSM session | 680d1555-bf2b-49e7-be90-510509f9788d |
61 | Control | Create Azure Application Workflow Control IT Shop | Control that lets users create an Azure application via EmpowerID workflow. | 4cc8258c-544b-4be4-baf7-f5337c089593 |
62 | Control | Credentials Advanced Search Control IT Shop | Control that lets users utilize Advanced Search for credentials. | d0a9650e-54ee-452f-90ad-f85fb5fd3565 |
63 | Control | Credentials Show Pre Approved Filter Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter credentials to show only those they are preapproved for. | 8812a2fe-0efa-407c-b1b7-da58681c2844 |
64 | Control | ITShop Application Roles Accounts Control | Controls Account filter | b8cc962c-8b1b-41f1-9ac4-5b5353037f13 |
65 | Control | ITShop ApplicationRoles Account Friendly Name Attribute Control | Controls Account friendly name attribute for groups manage access | ad31307b-12bd-424d-9762-e31ab8c1a3bd |
66 | Control | ITShop Parsed Html More information text Control | ITShop Parsed Html More information text control | d52310b4-8336-4b4d-8f32-bed7a6ee17f5 |
67 | Control | ITShop PreApprovedSharepoint Control | Control that lets users filter Sharepoint objects to show only those they are preapproved for. | d763e6b9-2e6d-479c-bb95-4e40aa24f757 |
68 | Page | ITShop Sharepoint Page | Controls Sharepoint resource | 7036e0a9-1b5d-45de-8243-e6ad3b70947f |
69 | Control | ITShop Sharepoint SiteType Control | Control that lets users filter Sharepoint by site type. | cf2fe0c5-246f-46c1-b8f0-0e0e6bd06ee4 |
70 | Control | ITShop SharepointURL Control | Controls URL filter | 363062fb-528f-4fee-ab55-b1c2d9fe5c95 |
71 | Control | ITShop Show Only Azure Applications Control | Controls whether only Azure apps should show when shopping for applications | 5a86c1b9-393a-454c-a992-13e396c7d430 |
72 | Control | ITShop WhoConnected Control | Control to filter Login Session History based on who connected | 2d4b2a65-70d0-4a30-a328-406d1432d539 |
73 | Control | ITShop Workflow Tab Control | Control that shows or hides the Workflows tab for each resource type | c7cb6341-aa03-47aa-bb3c-19c4c35eb42a |
74 | Control | ITShop-ApplicationRoles-ManageAccess-Control | Control to check show and hide the Manage Access tab for Groups | 46e2602f-4da0-4027-938f-2a2647c64b93 |
75 | Control | ITShop-ApplicationRoles-RequestAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Request tab for Groups | 5b90afb6-8524-4814-be84-8a12256598f9 |
76 | Control | ITShop-ApplicationRoles-Workflow-Control | Control to show or hide the Workflow tab for Groups | 8a10faa9-ec80-4d2d-9a49-20561f921332 |
77 | Control | ITShop-Applications-ManageAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Manage Access for applications | 12b98e2d-c846-42d9-af59-55a74041e9d2 |
78 | Control | ITShop-Applications-RequestAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Request Access tab for applications | 0c6fe20c-0a48-47e4-8b0b-441cbc635fe1 |
79 | Control | ITShop-Applications-Workflow-Control | Control to show or hide the Workflow tab for applications | 2192dce8-aa8b-43b1-a0d4-d1c8e542c846 |
80 | Control | ITShop-AzureLicenses-ManageAcces-Controls | Control to show or hide the Manage Access tab for Azure Licenses | 311af28b-025e-4cdc-94a2-73d8373ef095 |
81 | Control | ITShop-AzureLicenses-RequestAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Request Access tab for Azure Licenses | 1dc2a468-c616-4be9-8c0e-85fba943ad75 |
82 | Control | ITShop-AzureLicenses-Workflow-Control | Control to show or hide the Workflow tab for Azure Licenses | 2aff78d0-49c9-44f5-a05b-b0cc421a317c |
83 | Control | ITShop-AzureRoles-ManageAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Manage Access tab for Azure Roles | 52fa5f5c-e343-4fc0-9ca9-206878a9121f |
84 | Control | ITShop-AzureRoles-RequestAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Request Access tab for Azure Roles | 6dc9b556-66d6-4d54-a395-4741fdfdbb5c |
85 | Control | ITShop-AzureRoles-Workflow-Control | Control to show or hide the Workflow tab for Azure Roles | 7fae7a54-43ce-4638-9fc7-04767c052b32 |
86 | Control | ITShop-BusinessRoles-ManageAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Manage Access tab for Business Roles | 77c8d416-3740-4d7b-92c1-c516d8fdfd90 |
87 | Control | ITShop-BusinessRoles-RequestAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Request Access tab for Business Roles | 9aeac902-3ea0-4ade-9f01-52c996dd4b88 |
88 | Control | ITShop-BusinessRoles-Workflow-Control | Control to show or hide the Workflow tab for Business Roles | 1ca0ef94-b3b7-49dc-8dd5-24105b23dcaf |
89 | Control | ITShop-Change-Overridden-Filters-Control | Control that lets users change Overridden filters | c7ce2cf7-cc46-491a-9a15-abaaa4ab7267 |
90 | Control | ITShop-Computers-LoginAccess-ManageAccess-Control | Control to show hide the Manage Access sub-tabs for Computer Login Access | aa81c234-493e-403c-93e9-c72198a82fed |
91 | Control | ITShop-Computers-ManageAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Manage Access tab for Computers | d6af141d-8a29-413d-ba28-b8749320b319 |
92 | Control | ITShop-Computers-Membership-ManageAccess-Control | Show hide the Manage Access sub-tabs for Computers | 573d3922-4829-4197-973d-8cd001a3d255 |
93 | Control | ITShop-Computers-RequestAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Request Access tab for Computers | 1d40d41c-9481-4eb3-acf9-51887bfdc4bb |
94 | Control | ITShop-Computers-SessionHistory-ManageAccess-Control | Control to show or hide Computer sub-tabs for the Manage Access details card | 1dde623e-2be8-4b0b-a7ba-410c31b9dc0f |
95 | Control | ITShop-Computers-Workflow-Control | Control to show or hide the Workflows tab for Computers | c952ca0b-629c-4b3c-a0b1-fb9cf3ff67bc |
96 | Control | ITShop-Credentials-History-ManageAccess-Control | Show hide sub-tabs under the Manage Access tab for Credentials | 6ade7a81-4fd4-4d4c-adee-2b03ee3da5bd |
97 | Control | ITShop-Credentials-ManageAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Manage Access tab for Credentials | f665e73f-c713-454f-811c-f359b7af8428 |
98 | Control | ITShop-Credentials-ManageCredentials-ManageAccess-Control | Show hide Credentials sub-tabs for the Manage Access details card | 18a3e849-5c8f-4b36-acbe-8066f0a11326 |
99 | Control | ITShop-Credentials-RequestAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Request Access tab for Credentials | a67a1630-59a6-4e3d-acf9-58039598d3f1 |
100 | Control | ITShop-Credentials-Workflow-Control | Control to show or hide the Workflow tab for Credentials | 8f64b083-b5f4-46e4-9f27-3409d26edfed |
101 | Control | ITShop-DirectAssignedApplicationRoles-Control | Control that lets users filter groups to show only those directly assigned to them. The control appears on the Manage Access page for groups. | e70f08fc-a72b-4da3-897c-128d6f162579 |
102 | Control | ITShop-DirectAssignedAzureAdminRoles-Control | Control that lets users filter Azure admin roles to show only those directly assigned to them. The control appears on the Manage Access page for Azure Roles. | 7f73ecc7-8104-4b7a-9d7b-0a99575a084a |
103 | Control | ITShop-DirectAssignedAzureLisences-Control | Control that lets users filter Azure licenses to show only those directly assigned to them. The control appears on the Manage Access page for Azure licenses. | 57cc565e-6b42-401c-8f58-fe8474f7e71f |
104 | Control | ITShop-DirectAssignedBusinessRoles-Control | Control that lets users filter Business Roles to show only those directly assigned to them. The control appears on the Manage Access page for Business Roles. | d461c905-d65e-46a2-9c78-47950abe5b6a |
105 | Control | ITShop-DirectAssignedCredentials-Control | Control that lets users filter credentials to show only those directly assigned to them. The control appears on the Manage Access page for Credentials. | 116b72e4-3692-4d5f-92bf-05f4000cdac0 |
106 | Control | ITShop-DirectAssignedManagementRoles-Control | Control that lets users filter Management Roles to show only those directly assigned to them. The control appears on the Manage Access page for Management Roles. | 5bd34411-3074-402f-9a78-ad18bdc8e287 |
107 | Control | ITShop-ExpiringCredentials-Control | Control that lets users filter credentials that are expiring. | d79768e2-c5d9-4542-8dde-4b7bbaacf92c |
108 | Control | ITShop-Mailboxes-ManageAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Manage Access tab for Mailboxes. | 61ed37f0-45ef-400a-9669-e0ee9ecc3757 |
109 | Control | ITShop-Mailboxes-RequestAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Request Access tab for Mailboxes. | 48ee828c-3435-425a-9588-0e3375177f55 |
110 | Control | ITShop-Mailboxes-Workflow-Control | Control to check show and hide of workfloe tab for Mailboxes. | fbc36409-f9bf-45a5-9d52-c11bab6340b6 |
111 | Control | ITShop-ManagementRoles-ManageAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Manage Access tab for ManagementRoles. | f288a2e2-c4c6-4308-9847-77fe05ddda93 |
112 | Control | ITShop-ManagementRoles-RequestAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Request Access tab for ManagementRoles. | 62ae18fd-9ad5-486d-8cf3-04b54b5b6a11 |
113 | Control | ITShop-ManagementRoles-Workflow-Control | Control to show or hide the Workflows tab for Management Roles. | a69c9962-95b2-4e2e-8038-834318c5d63c |
114 | Control | ITShop-PreApprovedApplications-Control | Control that lets users filter available applications to show only those they are preapproved for. | 0854af17-8c20-400a-a08b-cc4752fb576a |
115 | Control | ITShop-PreApprovedComputers-Control | Control that lets users filter available computers to show only those they are preapproved for. | 34b2cb6a-a284-4d08-bbaf-61fdd6cc37a9 |
116 | Control | ITShop-PreApprovedMailboxes-Control | Control that lets users filter available mailboxes to show only those they are preapproved for. | bbf7aec4-c8d6-4bd8-a658-b05e500f1997 |
117 | Control | ITShop-SharedFolders-ManageAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Manage Access tab for Shared Folders. | 45c86bf2-3b10-4b35-8b58-27a3b6028910 |
118 | Control | ITShop-SharedFolders-RequestAccess-Control | Control to show or hide the Request Access tab for Shared Folders. | eed6c2fd-dc27-4638-88d9-721eb8b437f5 |
119 | Control | ITShop-SharedFolders-Workflow-Control | Control to show or hide the Workflows tab for Shared Folders. | 49b901e1-af3f-4d87-931e-be4dd5e29a45 |
120 | Control | ITShop-ShowCartBusinessRequestTypes-Control | Control that displays Business Request Type field in the IAM shopping cart. | 19a8abb6-7b31-415b-88bf-5e550bc7cc0f |
121 | Control | ITShop-ShowCartApprover-Control | Control that lets users see the Approver control in the IAM shopping cart. | 245854bf-87ab-4d62-a6fa-af31b53136db |
122 | Control | ITShop-ShowManageAccessFiltersBar-Control | Control to show/hide Manage Access Top Filters Bar | 7beff97f-a993-44fa-8ff0-acae5c3f454a |
123 | Control | ITShop-TimeConstrainedApplicationRoles-Control | Control that lets users filter available groups to show only those with time constraints. | 0cdd50c6-8de4-45ac-a537-758b5a6e9b54 |
124 | Control | ITShop-TimeConstrainedApplications-Control | Control that lets users filter available applications to show only those with time constraints. | 44b501c5-b0d0-42ec-8df6-a067436df957 |
125 | Control | ITShop-TimeConstrainedAzureAdminRoles-Control | Control that lets users filter available Azure admin roles to show only those with time constraints. | aac14eac-adf6-41d8-880a-8e09bebdc6c9 |
126 | Control | ITShop-TimeConstrainedBusinessRoles-Control | Control that lets users filter available Business Roles to show only those with time constraints. | 9a2d44c5-5d31-4a4d-80e5-e588878eb335 |
127 | Control | ITShop-TimeConstrainedComputers-Control | Control that lets users filter available computers to show only those with time constraints. | ffe9b5b9-3d9c-4413-bde4-7e724e682f84 |
128 | Control | ITShop-TimeConstrainedCredentials-Control | Control that lets users filter available credentials to show only those with time constraints. | 8e1542dc-8677-4b2a-a6cb-0dbb7a62578a |
129 | Control | ITShop-TimeConstrainedMailboxes-Control | Control that lets users filter available mailboxes to show only those with time constraints. | 7dcef6d4-41b5-4c9f-9551-0f1c7e0fa824 |
130 | Control | ITShop-TimeConstrainedManagementRoles-Control | Control that lets users filter available Management Roles to show only those with time constraints. | 304af788-5453-409e-b8be-245294fb51fb |
131 | Control | ITShop-TimeConstrainedSharedFolders-Control | Control that lets users filter available shared folders to show only those with time constraints. | 51aaf9ae-89d8-4aa5-95f1-0ad6ca865777 |
132 | Control | Mailboxes Advanced Search Control IT Shop | Control that lets users utilize the Advanced Search on Mailboxes. | bec4dc8c-205f-4034-8166-dced7535cb74 |
133 | Control | Mailboxes Mailbox Type Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter mailboxes by mailbox type. | b46fa91e-fc9f-4df0-87a7-55d8e9842670 |
134 | Control | Manage Access Business Request Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the Business Request name in the details of an access request. | ae4896b6-6f36-4be9-b94c-fa26b802e8d3 |
135 | Control | Manage Access View Pending Access Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the View Pending Access control on the Manage Access screen. | 6f207e84-e8b2-4e16-94d6-68ddc0a0a0d5 |
136 | Control | Manage Access Workflow Id Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the Workflow ID and URL for a given resource. | f193ea96-f364-4adc-89b4-5e13369770ac |
137 | Control | Management Roles Advanced Search Control IT Shop | Control that lets users utilize Advanced Search on Management Roles. | e36d5a25-3f34-4dfb-bc4a-e13d3cd526c2 |
138 | Control | Management Roles Applications Control IT Shop | Control that lets users filter management roles based on applications. | d7242ef6-b01f-43ac-887a-61f5b66b42e2 |
139 | Control | Management Roles Business Functions Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the Business Functions filter on the Management Roles page. | 769b294e-6e6b-46f1-b7c2-759451201cba |
140 | Control | Management Roles Granted Grid Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see a list of Management Roles granted. | 76b3b0ab-340a-4ebc-93d1-db1cdeaebebd |
141 | Control | Management Roles Name Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the Name attribute of for Management Roles. | e0283532-b46e-4330-ba57-34809f78c294 |
142 | Control | Management Roles Owners Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the owners of Management Roles. | 0e97af74-7db3-4290-96c8-801d8e2226b4 |
143 | Control | Management Roles TCode Control IT Shop | Control that lets users search for Management Roles via TCodes. | 2be850d4-4ef6-41bd-9b9c-11a9f48deb20 |
144 | Control | Management Roles Type Friendly Name Attribute Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the type friendly name of the management role. | 49be3df2-cdac-440f-8bb5-ff5f3ccde22b |
145 | Control | Pre-Approved Application Roles Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the pre approved roles. | aee9eb0b-262a-471f-b6c7-a5d0cd4f9b39 |
146 | Control | Pre-Approved Business Roles Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see pre approved roles. | 56c54a5b-c8cc-41f0-ae01-e69d8a20154b |
147 | Control | Pre-Approved Management Roles Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see pre approved roles. | d7356cc8-1172-42ef-8a10-3e74fdb85fa5 |
148 | Control | Reassign Cart Approver Control IT Shop | Control which lets users reassign the cart approver. | c7122ccc-ade4-4b55-a5fd-60a4b14ee33d |
149 | Control | Resource"s Access Request Policy Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the access request policy associated with a given resource. | e3ef5d6b-13dc-4ec2-ab1f-7d424743cf3e |
150 | Control | Shared Folders Advanced Search Control IT Shop | Control that lets users utilize the Advanced Search on Shared Folders. | 60b0c224-33e9-454a-8357-48436ff1a9ea |
151 | Control | Shop By Applications Control IT Shop | Control that lets users shop by applications. | 7669cb52-079d-4053-bb15-0ce6428205df |
152 | Control | Shop By Applications Control IT Shop | Control that lets users shop by applications. | 9b8483de-382c-46a5-8f7b-c6087ffd72ad |
153 | Control | Shop By Reference Person Control IT Shop | Control that lets userss shop for requestable resources by a reference person. | 5ec87ad7-7e16-415d-9267-e66915a050c8 |
154 | Control | Shop For Target Person Control IT Shop | Control which lets users select another user for whom to do assignments of requestable resources. | b2e9e529-3027-4a8c-893c-abae169cf9cb |
155 | Control | Show Cart Approver Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see approver control in the cart. | 245854bf-87ab-4d62-a6fa-af31b53136db |
156 | Control | Show Guided Shop for first time login IT Shop | Control that shows the Guided Shop when the user signs in for the first time. | 6fa28aa7-166a-43c8-9ad5-36f4f2437915 |
157 | Control | Simple Text Search Control IT Shop | Control that lets userss filter resources using the simple text search. | 8a97490b-7318-43fa-bf8e-da6ed506b4f1 |
158 | Control | Suggested Application Roles Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the suggested application roles. | 381f93b4-4eda-44af-a7e3-600a2f000d21 |
159 | Control | Suggested Business Roles Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the suggested roles. | d6db5647-6c4f-43ba-b6f8-c48fe7d6e57f |
160 | Control | Suggested Management Roles Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the suggested management roles. | ce2b0dee-faf8-4bef-98af-d971dc9bceb2 |
161 | Control | Suggested Management Roles Grid Control IT Shop | Control that lets users see the list of suggested management roles | 35e127e9-bdd4-4bb2-89cd-14b59689bdcc |
162 | Page | Management Roles Page ITShop | Page where management roles can be viewed, searched for and requested. | 6fa25996-8e88-4028-9ead-fd7e856f9795 |
163 | Page | Application Roles Page ITShop | Page where application roles can be viewed, searched for and requested. | d02ce4d3-4534-4b16-9d08-44e8b753487e |
164 | Page | Applications Page ITShop | Page where applications ProtectedaApplicationResources can be viewed, searched for and requested. | 4564f746-165c-401e-a5b4-0a100658d7d0 |
165 | Page | Azure Admin Roles Page ITShop | Page where Azure admin roles can be viewed, searched for and requested. | 1298d3d7-ae53-4f66-a2b5-1023dd80b462 |
166 | Page | Azure Licenses Page IT Shop | Page where Azure licenses can be viewed, searched for and requested. | 3941c913-c037-4c0f-9268-820324335c23 |
167 | Page | Azure Rbac Roles Page ITShop | Page where Azure rbac roles can be viewed, searched for and requested. | 86218a80-c161-40a3-8ea9-305ff61f1e57 |
168 | Page | Business Roles Page ITShop | Page where Business Roles can be viewed, searched for and requested. | d2eed453-2995-4a5d-aefb-bbb52cf7d469 |
169 | Page | Computers Page ITShop | Page where computers can be viewed, searched for and requested. | 0d4d4cff-7832-4e44-adf6-9c15ebc85b9e |
170 | Page | ITShop Credentials Page | Page where credentials can be viewed and searched for. | 29414259-9384-4ac8-8ffb-e4af28831974 |
171 | Page | Mail Boxes Page ITShop | Page where mail boxes can be viewed, searched for and requested. | 7b7d546e-7e12-4062-a1b1-4c34871555c6 |
172 | Page | Shared Folders Page ITShop | Page where shared folders can be viewed, searched for and requested. | 5cdbac32-e1c7-4212-8cf0-88082a82601f |
173 | WebService | ActivateNowAPI.ActivateNow | ActivateNowAPI.ActivateNow | fb8a71b7-7229-4dc5-8409-07c68e2949d3 |
174 | WebService | All ITShop WebServices | All web services for ITShop | 32578558-ee1f-4930-9786-d4bb13384515 |
175 | WebService | AzureLicenseBundleAPI | AzureLicenseBundleAPI | a446f066-0216-4c03-9867-b058f3c4fe03 |
176 | WebService | AzureLicenseBundleAPI.CheckAssignmentStatus | Returns Azure License Bundle assignment status | 8ce97a41-39ed-4dd6-94b2-9add65f9577c |
177 | WebService | AzureLicenseBundleAPI.GetAllAssignedLicenseBundlesByAssigneeId | Returns all Azure license bundles by the assignee ID | d6a94a43-bc16-4bfb-a3ce-4c031661f7b0 |
178 | WebService | AzureLicenseBundleAPI.GetAllAzLicensePool | Returns all Azure license pools | 9470b575-8685-4374-9b89-1c5877450f43 |
179 | WebService | AzureLicenseBundleAPI.GetAllAzLocalServiceBundles | Returns all Azure local service bundles | 538fb895-c4c0-45f0-bb76-fdb4238cfce7 |
180 | WebService | AzureLicenseBundleAPI.GetAllAzureAdScimResourceSystems | Returns all Azure AD SCIM resource systems | 193c259d-d8ab-4f46-83d6-6c0bd9714b40 |
181 | WebService | AzureLicenseBundleAPI.GetAllEligibleLicenseBundlesByAssigneeId | Returns all eligible license bundles by the assignee ID | ca75deed-4363-4e8c-ba92-2698530ddcba |
182 | WebService | AzureLicenseBundleAPI.GetSingle | Returns a single Azure license bundle | 431c552c-7d5b-43a4-abf2-eee4ff53a27b |
183 | WebService | AzureLicenseBundleAPI.GetTenantSubscriptionServices | Returns subscription services for an Azure tenant | e8db8240-fcc2-43a3-a4c4-67408ab18bba |
184 | WebService | AzureRolesAPI | Access to the Azure Roles API | da5cfe1b-e87c-4463-a45c-90a3cac3401b |
185 | WebService | AzureRolesAPI.AzureRoleMembers | Returns all Azure role members | 3f51278c-9e39-4239-91df-18fc6c5e43be |
186 | WebService | AzureRolesAPI.CheckAssignmentStatus | Returns Azure role assignment status | 7d3b95e7-905f-4bb7-90a8-0735c4894218 |
187 | WebService | AzureRolesAPI.GetAdTree | Returns AD tree | ec150c2d-eeb9-4ade-8682-14682fc83cb9 |
188 | WebService | AzureRolesAPI.GetAllAssigned | Returns all users assigned Azure roles | a6c43149-5187-4418-8a60-2a591b0b6b20 |
189 | WebService | AzureRolesAPI.GetAzureAdminRoles | Returns all Azure Admin roles | 7ab3feb2-1c1b-4555-9ba6-60cef186988e |
190 | WebService | AzureRolesAPI.GetAzureRbacRoles | Returns all Azure RBAC roles | 5f967351-1d6c-496f-97a9-c4cb5447abef |
191 | WebService | AzureRolesAPI.GetRoleTypes | Return Azure role types | adcf8f8b-62b9-4a11-9050-c016e36e8b6c |
192 | WebService | AzureRolesAPI.GetSingleAzureAdminRole | Returns a single Azure Admin role | 9c2e7bee-3877-4627-b344-c96d573fd4b4 |
193 | WebService | AzureRolesAPI.GetSingleAzureRole | Returns a single Azure role | 56384dad-c824-4f62-941c-582f8ab1b45a |
194 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI | Access to the Business Functions API | ab1df741-0568-4074-bc6d-634ee44b19de |
195 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI.GetAnonymousInfo | Returns anonymous information | a17c7e45-6d7a-4bf8-ade0-42a7c31b76a2 |
196 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI.GetFunctions | Returns all functions | a3b4fecf-7359-4f3b-8372-b6b3235f813a |
197 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI.GetGlobalRights | Returns all global rights | 06e5c905-ea5d-4b57-9cc8-77e3c5ed3df6 |
198 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI.GetUser | Returns a user | 32b1330d-6d02-474a-a8f4-fea9aebd6e15 |
199 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI.GetUserGroups | Returns user groups | d8911f11-65e4-4752-8ac3-a1fffac6f7af |
200 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI.GlobalFunctionsByOrgRole | Returns global functions by Business Role | 23981a53-c165-42d1-a2a6-7996e1a3d24c |
201 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI.LocalFunctionsByAppRole | Returns global functions by group | eb70fc3c-84b3-44f6-a2c9-537e10eaa2f2 |
202 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI.LocalFunctionsByAssignee | Returns all local functions by assignee | b54bc18f-d17d-4d78-b86c-ca8639b1cfe1 |
203 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI.LocalFunctionsByOrgRole | Returns all local functions by Business Role | 77a57a18-d72b-4563-964a-ba66f717acd2 |
204 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI.LocalFunctionsByOrgRoleOrgZone | Returns all local functions by Business Role and Location | ace31d30-85bc-4bdc-87f1-058198eff3f7 |
205 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI.LocalFunctionsByRole | Returns all local functions by Business Role | 8bfd2e40-f7a6-4876-b1f6-2f83b36ecd86 |
206 | WebService | BusinessFunctionsAPI.LocalRightsByAssigneeId | Returns all local rights by the specified assignee | b5e6548e-c506-4b00-beec-a19adc977a5d |
207 | WebService | BusinessLocationsAPI | Access to the Business Locations API | 74ea875d-bbe5-497b-b516-613f3add3f54 |
208 | WebService | BusinessLocationsAPI.ExecuteMethod | BusinessLocationsAPI.ExecuteMethod | f1dbfef5-7db9-454e-8347-ae9888e4a8ba |
209 | WebService | BusinessLocationsAPI.GetAnonymousInfo | Returns anonymous information | 8b47ddd1-6b2b-4f52-af68-9e92eb88cab8 |
210 | WebService | BusinessLocationsAPI.GetChildren | Returns child locations | 4c2e1870-8ed9-4257-9884-5bdd13587358 |
211 | WebService | BusinessLocationsAPI.GetChildrenByOrgZoneGUID | Returns child location specified by the GUID of the location | 560de00e-0201-4ce3-b238-56da45435aa6 |
212 | WebService | BusinessLocationsAPI.GetEligibleLocation | Returns eligible locations | db539303-1b7e-4220-aa0a-ee7bb9d355b7 |
213 | WebService | BusinessLocationsAPI.GetOrgZonesByOrgZoneType | Returns locations by the specified location type | 3c668a12-03b0-481d-b3b9-f22bb7f4db8a |
214 | WebService | BusinessLocationsAPI.GetOrgZoneTypes | Returns location types | 58c8ba7a-364d-4786-b52b-19728ee0df5c |
215 | WebService | BusinessLocationsAPI.GetUser | Returns users | d1a6023d-5469-405b-b139-f78aa0f04d59 |
216 | WebService | BusinessLocationsAPI.GetUserGroups | Returns user groups | 71959d80-2d9d-4e13-8b22-6c0a0796e54c |
217 | WebService | BusinessLocationsAPI.Search | Business Locations API search | 5f8b0c83-1591-4e84-a48d-75b07f44dc35 |
218 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI | Access to Business Roles API | 0418bca1-7fd3-4af9-a6f5-e327480fc4ab |
219 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.ApproversByRoleId | Returns approvers by Business Role ID | aa9b6811-3dc8-4ad6-8f67-f58426353056 |
220 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.CheckAssignmentStatus | Returns assignment status | f1c6b81b-cba5-4457-8b6f-9119b10cb7e2 |
221 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.ExecuteMethod | BusinessRolesAPI.ExecuteMethod | a1dd563e-716d-462f-a6a2-104b6b6030ac |
222 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.GetAnonymousInfo | Returns anonymous information | 9b1cf2dc-7795-4d58-885f-842c9b03855a |
223 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.GetApplicationRoleTemplates | Returns group templates | 8895a7d4-8808-49da-804f-606e3ff50537 |
224 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.GetAssignedAppRolesByPersonGUID | Returns group assignments for the person specified by the Person GUID | 4b9a80c1-0eec-49f0-b278-f168488b0b37 |
225 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.GetAssignedBusinessRolesByPersonGUID | Returns Business Role assignments for the person specified by the Person GUID | e6e738b8-d592-4399-960c-626d495c9e2a |
226 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.GetOrgRole | Return Business Role | 79278a00-8cac-42c8-91fb-de15fa0531de |
227 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.GetOrgRoles | Return Business Roles | a6d3f032-1f60-495c-9655-079290778a1c |
228 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.GetOwnersAndApprovers | Returns Business Role owners and approvers | 43dc78e8-3a05-4aee-a8b4-bb463ee76dad |
229 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.GetSingleOrgRole | Returns a single Business Role | dc9ae0c6-6455-4f59-9949-4a40d614a6d5 |
230 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.GetUser | Return user | f537c211-fe35-4d34-9038-5a0a6072c712 |
231 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.GetUserGroups | Return user groups | 8c69602b-95c5-4d73-b121-c117699650db |
232 | WebService | BusinessRolesAPI.OwnersByRoleId | Return Business Role owners by role ID | e75ba3e7-432d-4a0d-a9e1-17aba932bccc |
233 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI | Access to Cart Submission API | 0d8099c8-b81f-4db6-bc3e-76b81a5d0b5f |
234 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.BusinessRequestTypes | Return Business Request Types | f020ed53-06b9-406a-9bb0-798eda20eb73 |
235 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.DefaultApprover | Return default approver | 790beb82-6402-4841-b9a5-07c537196191 |
236 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.GetAnonymousInfo | Return anonymous information | 5d84aa04-d421-419a-ad52-39e807f5171d |
237 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.GetCartItemResults | Return cart item results (cart submission) | d3595909-6764-46f2-9a44-084e72b1b1dc |
238 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.GetUser | Return user | a4a3bc48-945c-468f-b173-2e5ea93ffa1a |
239 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.GetUserGroups | Return users groups | 3d16d688-e102-4d37-a4b8-ef867d9cdeca |
240 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.ProcessAzureAdminRoles | Process Azure admin roles | 5c58e4a2-fd2f-4d80-b9e3-7a4a1b269500 |
241 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.ProcessGroups | Process groups | 4ed2d1f9-624c-4e28-8b82-6a0001b5b8ad |
242 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.ProcessLicenseBundles | Process license bundles | b36ac651-b896-488c-b4ac-3999963e101b |
243 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.ProcessManagementRoles | Process Management Roles | e01ad26f-3375-4aa2-8483-628e6433bca9 |
244 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.ProcessOrgRoles | Process Business Roles | aab5138a-d671-4033-97e9-77d6fcb53bbf |
245 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.SubmitCart | Submit cart | 7149787c-d640-4747-b462-3abb44111f81 |
246 | WebService | CartSubmissionAPI.SuggestedApprovers | Return suggested approvers | b341eaa8-53a0-48b6-a0bc-7e1182546b24 |
247 | WebService | CheckForSODAPI | Access to Check for SOD API | 468a0b9f-0532-48e8-8b7f-40d99f0b862c |
248 | WebService | CheckForSODAPI.CheckForSOD | Check for SOD violations | 3fce6585-5eed-4c54-8ae5-80d416b0abc1 |
249 | WebService | CheckForSODAPI.ExecuteMethod | CheckForSODAPI.ExecuteMethod | 15225e22-c9f9-4dc2-bc8e-5f683e9eaed8 |
250 | WebService | CheckForSODAPI.GetAnonymousInfo | Return anonymous information | 86f24bdc-34c2-4212-92a0-98cb1c82c8d2 |
251 | WebService | CheckForSODAPI.GetAssigneesForOrgRoleType | Return assignees for location type | ed48f7b3-ebce-4fe6-bbb9-b496627b3526 |
252 | WebService | CheckForSODAPI.GetUser | Return user | 5b5f1972-26ad-47b3-ad43-f045c45ac64d |
253 | WebService | CheckForSODAPI.GetUserGroups | Retun user groups | cf25bba9-b9b0-456e-b636-74aee653a595 |
254 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetAllAssignedComputers | Return all assigned computers | da409a1f-2d3b-4f52-8060-229e0c6299ef |
255 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetAllComputers | Return all computers | 94d27749-e7ce-4943-8e10-ea19a138c5b9 |
256 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetAllComputersForSearch | Return all computers for search | 9cad5d1f-6b14-4c4b-96a6-5f889b3656bf |
257 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetComputerOperatingSystemTypes | Return computer operating systems | 08bcd977-d982-4902-aacf-24b99ead0675 |
258 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetComputerPlatformTypes | Return computer platform types | 4b2080a0-9096-4420-8a14-1e9e583cdae7 |
259 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetComputerRequestableDetailOptions | Return requestable detail options for a computer | fdc44a97-691f-492f-9148-11f4021eb7a8 |
260 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetComputersForLoginSessionAccess | Return a list of computers for login session access | 44cf46f7-7b89-4137-a869-a1dde4580c1f |
261 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetITEnvironmentTypes | Return IT environment types for computers | 50a36e20-e923-485c-96b9-8e14dcd81d9c |
262 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetLoginSessionHistory | Return login session history | c01ed2a9-3492-4cee-b483-e775eff4607f |
263 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetLoginSessionHistoryDetails | Return login session history details | eebd181c-0974-497a-a312-22c98d2c0f3c |
264 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetSessionRecording | Return session recording for a computer | d48cbfa3-ea0f-4c13-b63e-12744e4c4132 |
265 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetSessionRequests | Return computer session requests | 593070bd-ab50-46e5-a6bb-c1b7e6f6fbdc |
266 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetSharedCredIsAvailable | Return shared credential availability | dad02279-e5bb-41a3-a365-0e1471345314 |
267 | WebService | ComputersAPI.GetSingleComputer | Return single computer | 042c66fe-b603-4540-a8d2-08ef37e01206 |
268 | WebService | ComputersAPI.JoinSession | Join computer session | 7875782a-325e-402b-8272-101fd9cf8eef |
269 | WebService | ComputersAPI.TerminatePrivilegedSession | Terminate privileged computer session | e505ed40-7389-4d69-88ec-f4d448779e35 |
270 | WebService | ExternalCredentialsAPI.CheckInCredential | Check in credential | 7a8a1191-d47b-4128-aab0-8ac4caa12722 |
271 | WebService | ExternalCredentialsAPI.GetAllAssignedExternalCredentials | Return all assigned shared credentials | 719bf9a6-e080-4e8a-8759-f48e3c651b04 |
272 | WebService | ExternalCredentialsAPI.GetAllExternalCredentials | Return all shared credentials | 2decbf07-b8c4-491b-a615-906fe923ba4a |
273 | WebService | ExternalCredentialsAPI.GetByComputerId | Return computer by Computer ID | 207157b5-925b-45d6-9292-a9d05be83b7c |
274 | WebService | ExternalCredentialsAPI.GetCheckedOutByComputerIdPersonId | Return computer by Computer ID checked out by the specified Person ID | f7393f9e-24b8-4234-b38d-cd57e60fb8fb |
275 | WebService | ExternalCredentialsAPI.GetCheckedOutByPersonId | Return credentials checked by the specified Person ID | da3414ee-d6bc-47dc-ac66-f41e828584f0 |
276 | WebService | ExternalCredentialsAPI.GetCheckedOutRecords | Return all checked out records | d5de91bb-a23d-47f7-ad9e-2803c32eca5f |
277 | WebService | ExternalCredentialsAPI.GetExternalCredentialProxy | Return shared credential proxy | b6b1a3de-cbe7-4e3e-8c52-ca469a9ae852 |
278 | WebService | ExternalCredentialsAPI.GetPersonalCredential | Return personal credential | b88af633-4afd-4cbc-a821-ebd5e7c50f35 |
279 | WebService | ExternalCredentialsAPI.GetSingleExternalCredential | Return single credential | e2103560-5615-4d0f-814b-6d21ee04deab |
280 | WebService | ExternalCredentialsAPI.ValidateMasterPassword | Validate user’s master password | da8d88e1-a267-4dd0-abec-e51de4e40017 |
281 | WebService | GroupsAPI | Access to the groups API | 8827d4e6-2ca9-4839-837e-dc8914b56ae2 |
282 | WebService | GroupsAPI.ApproversByAppRoleId | Return approvers for the specified Group ID | ffff786f-406a-4b6b-ad5d-a1fa5e1e4190 |
283 | WebService | GroupsAPI.CheckAssignmentStatus | Check assignment status | 60c89015-ad3b-48d6-9bf1-5c1954f03a35 |
284 | WebService | GroupsAPI.GetAnonymousInfo | Return anonymous group information | c1b32afb-d533-4993-a6b6-357aeb980fce |
285 | WebService | GroupsAPI.GetAssignedAppRolesByPersonGUID | Return assigned groups for the specified Person GUID | 38c1c026-f91a-4815-9157-7ec19aab416e |
286 | WebService | GroupsAPI.GetAssignedMembershipByAssigneeId | Return assigned group memberships by the specified assignee ID | 15f63079-1764-4837-85f9-9de13a619016 |
287 | WebService | GroupsAPI.GetAssignedMembershipByOrgRoleOrgZoneID | Return assigned group memberships by the specified Business Role and Location ID | 95e79e3a-1b49-4b90-8354-51427de7aebe |
288 | WebService | GroupsAPI.GetGroups | Return groups | 6e73c794-c0a2-4671-bc58-e84d7f9f4303 |
289 | WebService | GroupsAPI.GetOwnersAndApprovers | Return group owners and approvers | 5d6f17cb-9b0b-461e-acad-cbd77f804b23 |
290 | WebService | GroupsAPI.GetSingleOrgRole | Return a single Business Role | 2705b835-45f7-4f57-920c-eb4e9e2b9e0c |
291 | WebService | GroupsAPI.GetSuggestedAppRolesByAssigneeId | Return suggested groups for the specified assignee ID | bf4e7c47-9332-4d18-9a58-b1d5420d802f |
292 | WebService | GroupsAPI.GetSuggestedAppRolesByOrgRoleIdOrgZoneId | Return suggested groups for the specified Business Role and Location ID | 17b34d6a-a4d7-4906-a3a1-66d1bf0167b8 |
293 | WebService | GroupsAPI.GetTargetSystemFilterdata | GroupsAPI.GetTargetSystemFilterdata | 046b6a55-965a-4457-88a6-46af12fee20c |
294 | WebService | GroupsAPI.GetUser | Get uers | 1e81fb25-37a5-455d-bffc-336f05722ffb |
295 | WebService | GroupsAPI.GetUserGroups | Get user groups | 41cbea9f-07be-495b-9bb6-66865f8ac258 |
296 | WebService | GroupsAPI.OwnersByAppRoleId | Return owners for the specified group ID | 67184772-3dd0-4176-9d6e-c8d24ca0a246 |
297 | WebService | LocalizationAPI | Access to the localization API | 6e274538-1855-4a96-a8b0-739ba4a8e3ba |
298 | WebService | LocalizationAPI.CountryHelpText | Return the country help text | fe216c72-ffbb-48c1-a1dd-f700b87228c8 |
299 | WebService | MailBoxesAPI.GetAllAssignedMailBoxes | Return all assigned mailboxes | fc30be29-7b2e-4524-b547-87e70d371613 |
300 | WebService | MailBoxesAPI.GetAllMailBoxes | Return all mailboxes | ea16d2d7-8af6-4daf-8560-e4e19a9dee50 |
301 | WebService | MailBoxesAPI.GetAllMailBoxTypes | Return all mailbox types | 46bfd610-b6fd-46d8-ac92-057369a3eaff |
302 | WebService | MailBoxesAPI.GetSingleMailBox | Retun a single mailbox | 7b024ad4-d33b-473a-a589-53f7c811ec9b |
303 | WebService | ManagementRolesAPI | Access to the Management Roles API | 21b9eb49-435a-460c-aca2-a119720cd84a |
304 | WebService | ManagementRolesAPI.CheckAssignmentStatus | Check the status of a Management Role assignment | 75fd9589-6b28-44ce-a4fe-b5089718c283 |
305 | WebService | ManagementRolesAPI.GetAllAssigned | Returned all assigned Management Roles | 8701e48b-132f-46c6-8950-e50d76078918 |
306 | WebService | ManagementRolesAPI.GetAllAssignedByManagementRoleId | Return all assignments for the specified Management Role ID | 451fcb98-dc19-4f4c-9919-6445bb1e92ee |
307 | WebService | ManagementRolesAPI.GetAllAssignedByOrgRoleOrgZoneId | Return all Management Role assignments for the specified Business Role and Location ID | b57fece7-fbe1-44fc-a355-9182a55599f1 |
308 | WebService | ManagementRolesAPI.GetManagementRoles | Return Management Roles | 598032ae-703f-42c0-8f98-57f0fd9d002e |
309 | WebService | ManagementRolesAPI.GetSingleManagementRole | Return a single Management Role | 9c29ad2e-6345-4439-b430-4f1dcc16c9cf |
310 | WebService | ManagementRolesAPI.GetSuggestedManagementRolesByAssigneeId | Return all suggested Management Roles for the specified assigne ID | 642f2a31-231e-40f1-b5b1-0c4280a335c3 |
311 | WebService | ManagementRolesAPI.OwnersByManagementRoleId | Return all owners of the specified Management Role ID | d2f4f20b-bb33-4f61-bc77-377c94a47cfc |
312 | WebService | MscAccount.GetByPersonId | MscAccount.GetByPersonId | 4e96bafa-e76a-4d3c-b53a-df1284edc279 |
313 | WebService | MscExternalCredential.GetsCheckedoutRecords | Returns checked out records | 47c87a80-bdea-4783-8ec0-72c140ab058d |
314 | WebService | ProtectedApplicationsAPI.GetAllAssignedProtectedApplications | Returns all assigned protected applications | eec4c67a-fec6-4db3-b866-b59c37a9c988 |
315 | WebService | ProtectedApplicationsAPI.GetAllAzureApplications | Returns all Azure applications | 4dbebf0a-984d-4383-b742-23cc9acc6f0d |
316 | WebService | ProtectedApplicationsAPI.GetAllProtectedApplications | Returns all protected applications | 6f16e025-a612-4312-8417-8f874d330419 |
317 | WebService | ProtectedApplicationsAPI.GetOwnersOrDeputies | Returns the owners or deputies of an application | 1ccfcf4f-4af3-4365-bd79-e699809650c2 |
318 | WebService | ProtectedApplicationsAPI.GetSingleAzureApplication | Returns a single Azure application | 40e6ffed-b96d-49c3-a7f6-d8a948994092 |
319 | WebService | ProtectedApplicationsAPI.GetSingleProtectedApplication | Returns a single protected application | 46f69a70-615e-4dc1-9127-a7de07a0bfbf |
320 | WebService | ProtectedApplicationsAPI.GetSupportedResourceTypes | Returns all supported resource types | ca20a154-2285-4ed0-a2b6-616fd857c8fe |
321 | WebService | RaManagementRoles.GetAllManagementRoles | Returns all Management Roles | 5e3b72a7-81d2-4d8c-bf32-d86f0d727291 |
322 | WebService | RaManagementRoles.GetSingleManagementRole | Returns a single Management Role | 02e4bb05-8af6-4a4a-b6b1-3589d0cbd414 |
323 | WebService | SharedFoldersAPI.GetAllAssignedSharedFolders | Returns all assigned shared folders | e4fe5a0e-3068-48c5-9cd0-e9194d350641 |
324 | WebService | SharedFoldersAPI.GetAllSharedFolders | Returns all shared folders | 28323ed2-d915-4b7e-b819-48b9eb6e7786 |
325 | WebService | SharedFoldersAPI.GetSingleSharedFolder | Returns a shared folder | dbb54870-1a03-418b-a776-bd7ded34b8bd |
326 | WebService | SharepointAPI.GetAllWebSites | Returns all SharePoint web sites | 85c4caad-d9d1-4224-8997-1983477462b9 |
327 | WebService | SharepointAPI.GetSingleWebSite | Returns a SharePoint web site | b8b152b3-32d1-450e-a310-ab26ef25e52d |
328 | WebService | SharepointOnlineAPI.GetAllWebSites | Returns all SharePoint Online web sites | 7ee5507e-3981-4625-957a-85e59b69a056 |
329 | WebService | SharepointOnlineAPI.GetSingleWebSite | Returns a SharePoint Online web site | 2605690e-4a1a-469c-a57f-7a04925ef27a |