Set up Azure Cache for Redis

Set up Azure Cache for Redis

The EmpowerID chatbot utilizes Azure Cache for Redis, a secure data cache and messaging broker, to support its operations. The following steps outline setting up Azure Cache for Redis for the Bot.


  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal.

  2. Create a new Azure Cache for Redis. The cache type should be at least 1 GB for a single-instance deployment. 12 GB-100 GB or 384 GB-1.5 TB is recommended for large-scale multi-tenant deployments.


  3. After successfully providing Azure Cache for Redis, navigate to the cache resource and copy the Primary Connection String from the Access Keys setting.


  4. Navigate to the App Service created in Step 1 Set up App Service and populate the AzRedisCache application setting with the Primary connection string.

In the next step, we will set up the Cosmos DB.

Set up the Cosmos DB

All steps in Deployment & Configuration of EID Bot

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