Configuring the Ask to See Commands

Configuring the Ask to See Commands

Ask to See commands are API-based Botflows. The ask to see commands returns the response to pre-defined commands, you will have to configure the endpoints, assembly, and other configurations for the commands to work.

A screenshot showing how the Ask to See Commands work.

Please follow the steps below to configure it.

  1. To configure the Ask To See commands, we will add a JSON document into the bot config container in bot_database Cosmos DB database created earlier.
    Navigate to the Cosmos DB database → Data Explorer and click on New Item.


  2. Paste the given document below as the value for the item and save. You will have to change the document's ID as per the naming convention.

The naming convention for the ID is botcmdconfig_TenantID for e.g. botcmdconfig_0d8be8a9-3e46-4c80-8e50-4a1f7285c7c2 in the document below. The tenantid will be the id for the tenant your teams is deployed to.

{ "CreatedDateTimeUtc": "2021-02-24T02:02:33.1322562Z", "LastModifiedDateTimeUtc": "2021-02-24T02:02:33.1323052Z", "id": "botcmdconfig_0d8be8a9-3e46-4c80-8e50-4a1f7285c7c2", "realId": "botcmdconfig_0d8be8a9-3e46-4c80-8e50-4a1f7285c7c2", "document": { "$type": "TheDotNetFactory.Framework.BotWF.Common.BotTenantCommandConfiguration, BotService", "tenantid": "0d8be8a9-3e46-4c80-8e50-4a1f7285c7c2", "CreatedDateTimeUtc": "2021-02-24T02:02:25.6599971Z", "PartitionKey": "botcmdconfig_0d8be8a9-3e46-4c80-8e50-4a1f7285c7c2", "id": "botcmdconfig_0d8be8a9-3e46-4c80-8e50-4a1f7285c7c2", "commands": { "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[TheDotNetFactory.Framework.BotWF.Common.BotCommand, BotService]], System.Private.CoreLib", "$values": [ { "$type": "TheDotNetFactory.Framework.BotWF.Common.BotCommand, BotService", "Name": "WhichManagementRolesMe", "Title": "Which management roles am I a member of?", "ApiEndPoint": "/api/services/v1/AskToSee/WhichManagementRolesMe", "Questions": null }, { "$type": "TheDotNetFactory.Framework.BotWF.Common.BotCommand, BotService", "Name": "WhichManagementRolesPersonX", "Title": "Which management roles is Person X a member of?", "ApiEndPoint": "/api/services/v1/AskToSee/WhichManagementRolesPersonX", "Questions": null }, { "$type": "TheDotNetFactory.Framework.BotWF.Common.BotCommand, BotService", "Name": "WhichGroupsMe", "Title": "Which groups/application roles am I a member of?", "ApiEndPoint": "/api/services/v1/AskToSee/WhichGroupsMe", "Questions": null }, { "$type": "TheDotNetFactory.Framework.BotWF.Common.BotCommand, BotService", "Name": "groupsPersonX", "Title": "Which groups/application roles is Person X a member of?", "ApiEndPoint": "/api/services/v1/AskToSee/WhichGroupsPersonX", "Questions": null }, { "$type": "TheDotNetFactory.Framework.BotWF.Common.BotCommand, BotService", "Name": "WhichManagementRolesAndGroupsMe", "Title": "Which management roles and groups am I a member of?", "ApiEndPoint": "/api/services/v1/AskToSee/WhichManagementRolesAndGroupsMe", "Questions": null }, { "$type": "TheDotNetFactory.Framework.BotWF.Common.BotCommand, BotService", "Name": "bizRqApproved", "Title": "Do I have any new business requests to approve?", "ApiEndPoint": "/api/services/v1/AskToSee/WhichBusinessRequestsMe", "Questions": null }, { "$type": "TheDotNetFactory.Framework.BotWF.Common.BotCommand, BotService", "Name": "myBizApprovedReject", "Title": "Have any of my Business Requests been approved or rejected?", "ApiEndPoint": "/api/services/v1/AskToSee/WhichAprOrRejBusinessRequestsMe", "Questions": null } ] } }, "PartitionKey": "botcmdconfig_0d8be8a9-3e46-4c80-8e50-4a1f7285c7c2", }

All steps in Deployment & Configuration of EID Bot

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