Set up the Cosmos DB

Set up the Cosmos DB

The EmpowerID chatbot leverages Cosmos DB, a NoSQL database, to ensure scalable and high-performance storage of large volumes of chat messages. It stores chat conversations, configuration settings, and templates utilized by the Bot. Follow the steps below to configure Cosmos DB for EmpowerID.


  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal.

  2. Please create a Cosmos DB with Core (SQL).


  3. After Azure provisions the Cosmos DB, you will have to add a new database and a container to the CosmosDB. Please replicate the information in the screenshot below to create a database named bot_database and a container named botconfig is created.

  4. Add two additional containers, conversations, and templates to the bot_database database.

    After you have added the containers, you should be able to list all containers and the database created.

  5. Find the Bot Service Deployment Package (i.e., _BotServiceDeploymentPackage.zip) and unzip the content into a folder.

  6. Locate the Adaptive Card Templates folder in the Bot Service Deployment Package.

  7. Upload all the JSON files in the Adaptive Card Templates folder to the templates Cosmos DB container. You should be able to see the list of the uploaded files after completion.


  8. Add the following settings from Cosmos Db to the configuration of the App Service and save your changes.

    • CosmosDbAuthKey with the Primary Read-Write Key.

    • CosmosDbDatabaseId with “bot_database“

    • CosmosDbContainerId with “botconfig“

    • CosmosDbEndpoint with the URI of the CosmosDb account.


In the next step, we will set up the Azure Key Vault.

Setting up the Vault

All steps in Deployment & Configuration of EID Bot

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