People Page

People Page

Users can access the People page in Resource Admin by selecting 'People' from the Resource Type menu. This page features a user-friendly interface specifically designed to streamline viewing and managing people. It is equipped with various tabs and controls, such as search features, people records, and contextual workflows, enabling users to effectively interact with people within the organization.



Searching for People

Upon accessing the Management Roles page in Resource Admin, users can utilize the search feature to locate specific roles. Each identity object within the EmpowerID Identity Warehouse, including Management Roles, is associated with a SearchTerms property. This property includes fields like Name, FriendlyName, Email, FirstName, LastName, Login, and EmployeeID. Users can input a search value, such as 'Arnold,' to retrieve all people with a value match in any of those fields.

Searching for “Arnold” returns all people where that value exists in any of the above-mentioned fields



People Search Filters

To assist in navigating a potentially large number of records, Resource Admin also provides various filters. These filters can be used alongside the search terms for a more focused and granular search experience.







This filter provides users with the option to filter people to display only those belonging to the selected location.

Advanced Search



Provides advanced search capabilities to further filter people based on one or more of the selected attributes.

  • Enabled

  • Name

  • Login

  • Email

Interacting with People

In Resource Admin, each Person is represented through a detailed record that serves as the entry point for user interactions. For an in-depth view of a person's information, users can click the “Details” link found in each Person record. This action opens the Details view, where users can access basic information about the person and execute a range of management actions as needed. Moreover, each Person record is equipped with a contextual workflow button, symbolized by a gear icon. Users with appropriate permissions can utilize this feature to initiate various workflows for updating and managing the Person's record. This integrated functionality, as depicted below, is designed to enhance the efficiency and ease of managing individuals within the system.



Upon clicking the ‘Details’ button on a Person record, users are navigated to the Person Details page. Here, users have the ability to view and edit a range of attributes associated with the person, explore the person’s applications, and undertake necessary actions related to the individual. This feature centralizes the management process of a person's profile, offering a streamlined approach to handling personal information and related tasks in Resource Admin.





The 'Actions' tab is designed to provide users with quick access to common workflows for managing people. Clicking For instance, when a user is viewing the Overview tab, the Actions tab dynamically updates to display an action link that initiates the 'Manage Management Role Wizard' workflows. This dynamic adaptation ensures that users have the most relevant tools at their fingertips, tailored to their current context within the Management Roles page of the application.


Person Workflows Page

On the Person Workflows Page, authorized users can access a variety of workflows specifically designed for managing people. This page acts as a centralized hub for these workflows, streamlining the process of locating and initiating various tasks.



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