Schema Management

Object Model Extensions

  • All EmpowerID Objects are extensible, and extensions are supported

  • Extensions are designed and managed in EmpowerID Workflow Studio

  • EmpowerID Objects can be extended with new attributes and even methods

  • Any existing EmpowerID Object method can be overridden/customized

  • All extended attributes are searchable

  • All extended attributes are available in form and UI designers

  • All extended attributes are available via the API

  • Attribute extensions do not require any DB changes – new attributes stored in an existing ConfigurationXML column


Adding a New Attribute Named “ClearanceLevel” to the Person Object

Adding a New Method

Adding a Custom Attribute to a Workflow Form

EmpowerID provides Schema Management page in the EmpowerID Web UI where a user can map person object attributes to account store attributes to external system attributes to create the interrelationships between the attributes including mapping of attributes from the external system to their ultimate attribute assignment in the EmpowerID person. The screen shot below shows the schema management page.

For detailed instructions on the various columns and their relationship to each other, follow this link to the About the EmpowerID Schema article in our online documentation.


User interface designers support extended attributes and methods

Extensions have the same functionality as shipped properties and methods


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